
Find out how much your land tax will increase in this year

Узнайте, как сильно вырастет ваш земельный налог в этом году

As of today the e-MTA is available on the Electronic Medium Tax and Customs Department (MTA) e-MTA to see the amount of the predicted land tax for 2025 year . The relevant section can find all information on the

payment of the land tax, calculated based on preliminary data.

Private houses in Kadriorg. Private houses in Kadriorg. Photo: Mihkel Maripuu

From today to today in the electronic environment of the Tax and Customs Department (MTA) e-MTA can see the amount of projected for 2025 year land tax. The relevant

section can find all information on the payment of the land tax calculated based on preliminary data.

According to preliminary data, in this year the land tax will be paid by 375 000 people. The land tax will increase this year.

Compared with 2024 year the country will have about 22 000 new landowners. About 21 000 WS>landowners have tax liabilities of less than five euros, which have not been sent a tax notice in the past.

While the tax notice in February was not a surprise, Riitha Parksepp, director of the MTA’s land tax service, suggests all landowners to check their data with e-MTA.

“The purpose of the Land Tax Forecast is to tell people what their land tax obligations will be in 2025 year . We calculate the final amount of tax obligation and send tax notices to firstthe week of February, but no later than February 15,” Parksepp said.

When entering the System Electronic Services e-MTA, you can see the projected amount of land taxes for 2025 year, by selecting Taxes > Land Tax > Notices of Land Tax and data about the land (Maksud > Maamaks > Maamaksuteated ja maa andmed). For cadastral plots you can see projected land tax amounts by selecting Taxes > Land tax > Predicted land tax (Maksud > Maamaks > Maamaksu prognoos).

To calculate land tax the value of land is multiplied by the tax rate, and from the resulting amount the mechanism of protection, tax exemptions and benefits are deducted.

The so-called “protective mechanism” is the limit level of increase in the land tax, which is established to avoid sharp increases in the land tax. The Protective mechanism is applied, if the amount of land tax for the cadastral plot before accounting for benefits and exemptions more than 50% of the amount of land tax for the previous period without accounting for benefits and exemptions.

The land tax will

The land tax could increase each year, until it reaches the land tax rate, based on the taxable value of land and the land tax rate. In 2025 year the land tax on cadastral plot will not increase by more than 50% for the owner compared with the previous year or by 20 euros, if no benefits or reductions apply.

If 50% is less than 20 euros, the amount of land tax will be increased by 20 euros. If the cadastral plot is exempted or reduced, the benefits or reductions are applied.exemption, the amount of land tax payable in 2025 year may differ from the previous year by more 50% or 20 euros.

The land tax rates in 2025 year are from 0.1-1% for residential land and yard agricultural land, from 0.1-0.5% for agricultural land and from 0.1-2% of the annual taxable value of land for other purposes. Tax rates are set by the local government. The tax rates set by local government for 2025 year can be found on the MTA website.

Data about land plots can be checked in the Land Cadastre, data about property in the Republic Book. If it is necessary to correct the data about the value of land, on which the tax is based, either from the land cadastre, either from the land book, would need to contact the Land and Spatial Department at [email protected].

The MTA also requests citizens to verify the contact data that they reported in the electronic declaration.

“This is necessary to ensure that we can notify people of the issuance of a land tax notice by email or text text message. If we do not have the address of the email orthemobilephone numberofthetaxpayer,wewillsendthenoticebyusualmail,” explainsRiitaParksepp,theleaderoftheLandTaxMTA.

TheLandTaxis astatetaxthatisleviedonalllandinEstonia.TheLocalauthorities set thetax rates.Thelandtaxis fullycollectedintothebudgetofthelocalgovernment.For more detailsaboutthelandtax2025yearreadonthewebsiteMTA.

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