Beef cattle breeders can now apply for subsidies for the purchase of purebred bulls. It is worth remembering, however, that the support is de minimis aid in agriculture, which means that it is necessary to take into account the fact that the total amount of de minimis aid granted to one enterprise in the agricultural sector cannot exceed EUR 20,000 over a period of three fiscal (financial) years. .
Help for whom?
The subsidy may be used by an agricultural producer with the status of a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise who has been assigned an identification number under the provisions on the national system of records of producers, records of agricultural holdings and records of applications for payments. The applicant for support is required to provide confirmation of the acquisition, in the year of submitting the application for assistance or in the year preceding the year of submitting such an application, of at least one purebred beef bull of over 13 months of age, which has a zootechnical certificate.
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How will the aid be counted?
The amount of aid is the product of PLN 5,000. PLN and the number of bulls purchased. This number cannot be greater than the result of dividing the average number of cows on the farm (in the year preceding the year in which the bull was purchased) by 15. Before the change in regulations, the number of cows was divided by 30. After the change, the farmer will therefore be able to receive more aid . The pool of funds allocated for this support is PLN 5 million.
The purchase of a given bull can only be eligible for assistance once.
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Where to apply?
Applications are accepted until November 30, 2024 by the district offices of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture. Documents can be submitted directly to branches, sent by registered post or sent electronically – via the ePUAP platform or the mObywatel service on the website.
If an application for the support in question is submitted after November 30 of a given year, the procedure for granting aid is not initiated – emphasizes ARiMR.
Below – please download – appropriate application forms for support for the purchase of a bull.