
Field chain. Zastoisk on field use in the peakpurpose.

Pola czajkowe. Zastoiska na polu wykorzystaj w szczytnym celu

Fields chicken. Why are needed?

Many farmers find on their field at least one slope of terrain, in which regularly create water sites. Frequently such places are problematic when performing agrotechnical treatments, but as it often is in life – the trouble of one is the treasure of the other. Depressions with accumulating in their water are willingly used by many rare and threatened species of birds – including by chickens, from which has gained the name “fields of chickens”.

The lapwing can easily be recognized by its long, thin, black tip on its head and rounded, superior body, planted on long, red legs. They are one of the first birds, returning after winter to Poland – can be observed already in February. Birds prefer open, unplanted areas, which allow these mobile birds to run unhindered and observe their surroundings. These may be pastures, meadows, cultivated fields with low vegetation, but in close to water. The witch nest is a shallow hole in the ground, in which you can find eggs in a characteristic, “mottled” pattern.

Unfortunately these sympathetic birds are in our landscape increasingly fewer. The bird number in Europe is rapidly declining, in Poland the species has been covered by strict species protection. A serious threat to the witch is the loss of hatching habitats – both meadows and pastures, especially those periodically flooded. Nests created in cultivated fields

often suffer accidental destruction during travel by farm tractor on fields and work machinery. Hatchlings are also threatened by

predators (e.g., foxes, birds predators).

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How to create fields characters?

In responses to the threat to chickens (but and other rare species of birds, like fritillary, bull great, seedling river, seedling deer) in Europe – primarily in Germany and Great Britain – there have been activities for the creation of so-called fields. fields of chain. FieldsKettle are separated areas of ugors with recovered soil in crop fields, located in depressions of the field with accumulating water, which will provide the territory for safe hatching and foraging.

Also in Poland it has been requested to implement similar measures, for example, in the form ecoschem. The Poland Association for Protection of birds in its publication “Protection of waters and wetlands in the agricultural landscape” mentions some important conditions, which should satisfy the field chain:

  • field chain, understood as a mountain with covered soil, should be located in the border of the field, in which spontaneously create water ponds;
  • the surface field should have between 1-2.5 ha in field with a surface of more than 5 ha;
  • at a distance of at least 100 meters from the edge of field, forest, trees, posts or balots, to reduce the threat from predatory birds and suckers;
  • the chicken field should be maintained between 20 March and 31 July without executing on it against aggression.

From practice we know, that bugs and other birds obviously appear also in smaller fields, like and closer to the trees. The requirements mentioned above are however an indication of ideal conditions, which are most favorable to birds. As we know, the proposal to introduce chicken fields in the ecosystem has not come to existence, however willing farmers may obviously

in their own area separate wetlands from their fields and provide birds a piece of territory, on which “in holy peace” they

can conduct breeding. Frequently such activities do not require a large survival, a help preserve valuable species, which we associate with

the Polish, rural landscape.

Below a photo of birds on a field chay amid thistle

in England:

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