
Fertilization nitrogen a quality water ground and surface. Where is still problematic?

Nawożenie azotem a jakość wód gruntowych i powierzchniowych. Gdzie nadal jest problem?
  • Published report on implementation of the nitrate directive in the years 2020-2024.
  • Indicated areas of problem, meaning places where the concentration of nitrates is still high. 

In Poland the nitrate directive has been implemented for 20 years, in that time has changed the approach to implementing its provisions, primarily in the determination of areas, on which specific rules of agricultural management apply. 

The Asotane Directive obliges member countries to submit to the European Commission a report on the implementation of

its decisions within six months from the completion period, which the report concerns.

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Do in February may carry winter nitrogen? What does talk about this topic regulations and forecasts?

Another period has passed, hence the new report of this period. What from this report can be read?  

The report includes in particular the following elements:

  • assessment and map of water quality with including previous reporting period and earlier (common points monitoring of water quality);
  • a map of danger zones along with changes from the previous reporting period;
  • codes of good practices and programs of activities-

    a summary of measures applied (for the current report, for the whole area of the country);

  • assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of programs of

    forecasts of changes in quality of water.

Direction Innovation 2025. Azot shapes the profitability

of cereals and hortle. What dose on spring?

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Direction Innovation 2025. Azot shapes the profitability of cereals and thresh. What doses to spring?

Areas of problem

For the period 2020-2023 the identification of areas, in which the quality of water remains poor, or in which the quality has deteriorated to a determining their classification to not meeting the requirements of the nitrate directive.

Which means that they are in they:

  • values of concentrations average of nitrates ≥40 mg/dm3
    – water at risk of contamination,
  • values concentrations

    average of nitrates ≥50 mg/dm3
    – water polluted,

  • strong increase value of average annual concentration of nitrates at control points (difference above 5 mg/dm3
    in relative to period 2016-2019).

Source: Reports of implementation of the nitrate directive in the years 2020-2024 Source: Reports of implementation of the nitrate directive in the years 2020-2024

Farmers use less nitrogen? Where farmers apply most fertilizers?

The highest balance by division of the country in provinces was 78.2 kg N/ha ( Wielkopolskie province). In comparison

with the previous available three-year period (2017-2019) this value is decidedly lower than the maximum value equals 93,7 kg N/ha (for

this same village). Also the average value for Poland is actually lower than the value from an earlier period. Today is

38.7 kg N/ha of agricultural land, against values of 52.5 kg N/ha for period 2017-2019.

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Direction Innovation 2025: How to manage nitrogen in context of dynamic market and variable weather?

Increased inspections in areas prone to contamination with nitrates

As reads in the report has decreased from inspections of farms conducted in the current reporting period in relative toprevious period: from 0.58 to 0.47 in reference to inspections conducted by ARiMR and from 0.81 to 0,51 in reference to inspections conducted by Inspection of Environment (WIOŚ).

However between 2020 a 2023 year. there was a significant increase in the number of inspections: conducted by ARiMR from 3 758 to 12 657 and by WIOŚ from 1 412 to 2 005.

The findings in results of the inspection referred to first the failure to provide appropriate conditions for storage of natural liquid or solid and handling of wastewater. In relatingtothisimportantinthecontextoffurtherprogressinimplementingthenitratedirectiveinPolandissupportingconstructionofappropriateinfrastructureofagriculturalfarmsandsimplifyingadministrativeprocedures.

In considerationofobtainedimagesofchangesinqualityofwaterandidentificationofproblemareasduetopollutionofwaterwithnitratesorgrowingtrendsofpollution,theconclusionoftheworkcarried outistoestablishthe necessityofdirectingcontroloffarmsintheseareas.

A comprehensivereportontheactivitiestakenisavailableonthewebsiteof theMinistryofInfrastructure. 



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