For decades of years the basis of plant fertilization has been mineral fertilizers. This has not changed, but along with technological progress there are also other possibilities for their application, allowing to deliver food precisely in that place, where food ingredients are needed, generating additional benefits. Also depth fertilization with success can also be applied in the case of liquid fertilizers naturally, a therefore plain and plain, where an additional benefit is no necessity of additional mixing with soil.
Depth fertilization is primarily phosphorus
depth fertilization, a therefore applying fertilizer from time on some or some centimeters under the surface of soil, proves before all for phosphorus. This element is characterized by very weak mobility in soil, by which it moves in deep at a rate not exceeding 1-2 cm per year, in associated with that, with application of subsoil it easily depletes the deeper layers of soil. The secure solution is of course the plough, in which the surface layer of soil, sprinkled with phosphorus fertilizer, travels onto the dirt, however
it is not an ideal solution, and with absolutely it has application in the practice
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The problem with phosphorus is that, that plants take it only in the situation of direct contact of the hair roots with accessible forms of this element. From this also because the granules of fertilizer must find where the roots will develop. At the same time the faster the plant takes the supplied phosphorus, the less opportunity, that it will get on their recovery, and it is one of the most important, and with this unfortunately expensive, food nutrients, responsible among other for the development of the root system, which from both has great importance for the growth and development of the plant, especially in the period of deficiency.
In deep fertilization a popular solution is ammonium phosphate. This has so much sense, but in addition to theThe already mentioned phosphorus is also provided by nitrogen, things bright in ammonium form. Plants react to their increased production of roots for their bearing, which translates into increased efficiency of the root system.
Better use of fertilizer, meaning saving
Depth delivery of fertilizer directly generates its saving, through better use. This is about the improved management of granules, which according to practitioners may be less in this form less by 15-20 percent. without loss of effectiveness, as also to minimize loss of nutrients, in
the form of excretion or depletion of phosphorus, as also emissions of nitrates
to atmosphere. At the same time, with precise application of fertilizer precisely where it is
needed, without increasing its dose you can achieve better effects, because the plants will use a greater part of the nutrients provided.
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Providing precisely where needs to develop by one other aspect. As that depth fertilization is implemented through appropriately adapted cultivation machines, granules are there, where the cultivation is conducted, and also with great precision can control sections, preventing ferring to cultivation for example. paths of technology.
– I opted for depth fertilization, because in this technology fertilizers are from once mixed with soil, therefore losses of nutrients are reduced to minimum, a furthermore granules go precisely where they will be needed and we don’t dump them on crops, bush or technology paths. In the crop, after counting paths or clines, on a 50 hectare field about 2 hectares are not occupied, a deep fertilization, that thanks to the road fertilization on this part of the field does not come, is my idea to save the dose needed for this areal and minimize the loss of food – says Bartosz Darosz, a farmer from province. Western Pomeranian region, producing cereals, thistle and greens on 290 hectares.
DepthIn deep fertilization has a meaning
Deep fertilization uniquely associates with the fertilization
under the surface soil. What depths are we talking about? It turns out that the answer is not ambiguous and depends
on some factors. Before all, about deep fertilization we talk about when fertilization is delivered to a
depth of more than 10 cm. At smaller depth there will be this fertilization under the root, implemented for example. through the reseeder in point seeders, but also through the seeders in some cereal seeders.
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If there is a typical fertilizer deep, it is ono implemented in the depth range from 15 to 35 cm. Such administration of food nutrients should be preceded by detailed examination of soil, including 2-3 different depths, to determine, where a given element is most needed, because the resources at different levels are very different. In size growth and development the root system reaches into and deeper layers of soil, through what food nutrients should be distributed on different levels of the soil profile.
Another issue is the effect, which we want to obtain. By placing food nutrients at different depths we assume, that plants will benefit from them at different times, when their roots reach a different level. Sallow placement of fertilizer in the soil, at a depth of 5-10 cm is
suitable, when expecting quick effect of activity, helping the development of plants at the start of vegetation. From the level deep,
below the level of 20 cm, it is preferably for early seeding of ozimin, when this is not dependent on
our very fast development, because there is still time for it, and plants have “found” nutrients at a late time. The most universal solution is applying fertilizer to two depths at once, usually 5-10 and 20-25 cm, when this food nutrients will be available through .longer time, at different stages of vegetation.
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Deep fertilization with gnores
the very good properties of natural fertilization no one needs to know. Although it is difficult to imagine deep fertilization with manure, in the case of gnant or gnant absolutely it is a problem. Today in the market we can find a series of dogleb applicators, whose popularity in last years is dynamically growing, and the depth sides are even 20 cm. Wanting to apply gnoress to such large depths, you should interest in applicators equipped with predicators similar to those in aggregate crops. If on the other hand sufficient is the working depth of an order 15 cm, there will also be some models of applicators. Beyond the construction and the depth of work the key difference is also the fact that the taler applicator distributes fertilizer evenly over the whole
width of the side, on the other hand, in the cases of predators allowing deeper working, we have
to have belt fertilization, which is worth coupling with future rows of plants,whichallowsprecisesystemstoguidemachines.
However, whatarethebenefitsofapplyingthissuchgnores?Similarlyasinthe caseofmineral fertilizers,wehaveheretohavegreaterefficiencyoffertilization,becausethefertilizergoespreciselythere,wheretheplantswillneedit,andadditionallyavoidlossinthesurfacefloworemissionintotheatmosphere.Anadditionalbenefitisalsolessdisruptivetoodor,becausethefertilizerfromasenizationtravelsdirectlyintothesoilprofile,aalsononeedtoperformadditionalcultivation, aimedatmixingfertilizerwithsoil.