By 1 February 2025 year of the institutions and businesses that provide services for tax benefits, must submit data about the expenditures of their subsidiaries
to the Tax and Customs Department (MTA). Tax and Customs department. Photo: Annabel Kask
By February 1 2025 year institutions and businesses, which provide services for tax benefits, must submit data about the
expenditures of their members to the Tax and Customs Department (MTA).
Timely submitted data about tax benefits are preliminarily entered into the declaration of the income of an individual. This allows the individual to declare income quickly, with accounting for deductions, and this way, people will immediately know their final tax obligation for the past year.
The data must be submitted by banks, the pension register holder, insurance companies and educational institutions. Also people can deduct from income the value of gifts and donations that were made to the union, listed on the list of nonprofit associations, targeted funds and religious associations with income tax benefits.
When filing the declaration of income people can deduct from income expenses for training, gifts and donations up to 1200 euros. Deductions in the tax period may not exceed 50% of the taxable income in Estonia . In addition, it is possible to deduct payments made under the voluntary contributory pension, i.e., from the taxable income.payments into the III stage pension, not more than 15% of the taxable income, but not more than 6000 euros per year.
Declaration of income begins 15 February and continues until 30 April. When declaring income MTA recommends people to be patient and prefer to electronically submit declarations in the e-MTA environment. For more information about declaring income for 2024 in 2025year