First to test beef fat
According to Mosa Meat, obtaining approval for the use of beef as an ingredient of food is the first step to the possibility of offering it in the European market. Because the European Office for the market. Safety of Food (EFSA) tests each new ingredient individually and it cannot approve the whole product, such as has occurred in Singapore, it was decided to take such approach.
Because fat plays a key role in the taste, flavor and texture of beef, this component is not only in the case of raised meat. It also has the potential to add value to planted products, which often are difficult to reproduce complete sensory experiences, what gives meat – says Maarten Bosch, director general Mosa Meat.
Approval of products will take a year and a half h2>
However in no supermarket in Europe can find so quickly products containing cultured beef fat: the Mosa Meat company plans, that the process, which is regulated by the regulation on new foods, will take a year and a half. Bell is also involved in Mosa Meat. Subsidiary Coop
has already invested 2 million euros in 2018 year. In 2020 year Bell has invested another 5
million euro.
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Approval laboratory meat in the EU for longer. New
guidelines EFSA