
FAS disclosed the cartel of sellers of headphonesonmarketplaces

ФАС раскрыла картель продавцов наушников на маркетплейсах

Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) found out that a number of entrepreneurs contracted an anticompetitive agreement to establish, maintain prices and eliminate competitors.

Inside Creative House/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Inside Creative House/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Participants of the Cartel have joined in shared chat in messenger and used an online chart to organize illegal activities. They synchronously raised prices, monitored compliance with agreements, and also jointly acted against sellers who didn’t support anti-competitive collusion – wrote negative reviews, ordered their goods to other regions or countries without redemption and otherwise inhibited the work of competitors.

The analysis has confirmed the relationship between the general dynamics of prices on headphones on marketplaces and actions of the cartel. FAS will analyze the reasonableness of prices for a numberoffoodgoods

FAS:Publishers”Enlightenment”shouldtransferto thebudgetmore than2 billionofillegallyreceivedproceeds

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