- Minister of Agriculture Cesław Siekierski, and also the deputy ministers meet with representatives of farmers at Warsaw Center Dialogue.
- This is another of the consultation meetings, which is organized by the ministry in the work on definition of the active farmer.
- The meeting of farmers with the minister lasted close to 8 hours and covered a range of topics. A significant part of it was dedicated to defining the active farmer.
The proposed solution by the ministry raises many doubts, not only among agricultural unions, but also among the farmers themselves. And though the ministry insists, that this is only a proposal, on that many farmers do not want
to hear about changes. Also those who have today protested with the hope of creating new
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Definition of active farmer. We know the content proposed by ministry!
Farmers ask: why what definition of active farmer?
Among questions purely technical there is also a question, after what.
I would like to ask on behalf of the whole group (of the grassroots National Farmers Protest – p. ed.), why now is the topic of active farmers? When we started the Polish presidency and according to our themes whether that direction, which we should give to this presidency should go in the other way – asked Damian Murawiec, a farmer from Odd General Protest of farmers, a farmer from elblock county.
The response from the ministry site was steady.
– We want to order the issues of subsidies. This is the first point – said Deputy Minister of Agriculture Stefan Krajewski. – The second is to end with fiction, and not pathology. Let’s use the word fiction, because patology associates with bad, but often that is that is fiction. Someone has, that possesses, someone has, that uses. Knows, they must both participate in this that, because no can one do that. It should.To give opportunity for production, development to those active farmers – he added.
Also Viktor Szmulewicz, president of the National Council and the Agricultural Council, is convinced of the validity of work on definition.
I believe that the subject of active farmers has been discussed for many, many years. At every meeting almost with farmers this topic returns, so there is no to talk, that there might be
over – he said. – First issue, we should create a so called positive list, from which the farmer can
select, what he thinks, so he can be recognized as active: animals or property, or any other things,
so I believe, that this should be on such principle he proposed.
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Farmers unions don’t agree to the new definition of active farmer. Why?
The farming environment divided
The divide among farmers was visible from its very beginning. Some argued, that the future farms would be only agriculture real, active. others, that this is necessary bureaucracy and destruction of small farms.
Idea definition was defended by m. Michal Zarzecki, a farmer from Podlasie, member of the Rural Youth Union. He stressed on, that according to the current definition nobody, who actually cultivates the land, should have the problem of proving this.
Costs per hectare are for everyone. Everyone, who is a farmer and who on this field works, so this is truly no problem to prove, even for those who are on the – he stressed.
– If farmers wanted to apply for addition to fertilizers, then invoices can be presented without problems. If they want to apply for excise, also for fuel, they can present. If o seed material, also farmers flat have these invoices, so there is no problem, that the farmer is on flat and will have invoices. Simply today instead of taking a receipt, he will take an invoice, buying theParts or anything, or measures to protect plants, so this is not any problem – added.
– What to ecoschematics, is not possible from automat to recognize farmers, who are on ecology, because mulch grass is very easy and usually these farmers contribute to ecology. Here there must be some additional condition presented, something more, but not itself that, that something is on ecology or about some quantity of hectares cannot be known – he explained.
The threats resulting from the definition of active farmers have already been pointed out before by which almost unanimously oppose it. Similar arguments were also made at a meeting with ust of the farmers themselves.
– that is for all, that we discuss this (the definition proposal – p. ed.) with our farmers, because we must be cautious, we impose on ourselves at this moment this – said Paweł Toporek, a farmer from province. from western Pomerania.
We shout, we grumble, that there is too much bureaucracy, more and more paper, documentation, that there is no love, and we want more obstacles. I do not say, that this is good or bad, but I do talk to all, that this very carefully, because there will be a conversation, it will be recognized by the ministry,
that consultations have been conducted, that they and that wanted, and that it is not necessarily that is.
Further work on the definition of the active farmer will be ongoing. All the reportedbyfarmersconcernswillgototherelevantdepartmentsinthereport.Furtherfollowingthedefinitionwillberemodeledinaccordancewiththese,inadjustmenttoapplicablelegislation.
Willyouhoweverreachsuchconformity,thatallwillbesatisfied?Beingconsideringthatasignificantpart,bothunions,andfarmers opposethedefinition,which,remember,wasoneofthetheirmainpostulatesduringprotests, The chancesofsatisfyingcompromisearenone.