If on Sunday, January 19, the average price for electricity on the Nord Pool exchange in the Estonian price zone was 58,57 euros per megawatt/hour, then on Monday it will increase to
178.29 euros. High exchange price for electricity 20 Jan. Photo: Erik Prozes
If on Sunday, 19 January, the average price for electricity on the Nord Pool exchange in the price zone of Estonia was 58,57 euros per megawatt/hour, then on Monday it
will rise to 178.29 euros.
In the morning, from 9 to 10 hours, the price will reach the day peak, when megawatt/hour of exchange electricity will cost 423.46 euros, which is equivalent to 42.3 cents per kilowatt/hour. With the tax on turnover (NSO), in this hour the price for kilowatt/hour would be 51.66 cents.
But this is not the only time on Monday when the price for megawatt/hour will exceed 400 euros. In the evening,from18to19hours,itwill be400.07euros.
The pricewill be400.07Euros.