Although from the news could give the impressions that the car must have been bought in 2024 year, in the matter of fact in this year the opportunities are better, and prices have not gone up. Coop Coop Liising Martin Ilves and the head of the platform for selling used automobiles Autoportaal.ee Ando Ando Rahu revealed why now is
still a good time to buy a car and which car is best to cho. Because of the rush at the end of the year, many buyers had to satisfy what was still in the storage, but now the situation
has changed for the better. “Today today there are new, and used vehicles in all price categories, ” Ando Rahu said. Ando Rahu said, Now there are even more advantages for car buyers. For example, if a car was bought at the end of last year, the registration fee and annual tax will always have to pay. But in this year many auto dealerships and large sellers of used cars are taking the registration tax on themselves. “At the current moment it is apparent that prices for used cars because of
the registration tax have not increased,” Rahu noted. Most likely, the registration fee and in the future will be included in the price of a vehicle or in leasing payments. Coop Coop Liising Martin Ilves stressed that if you decide to buy a new car in this year,
the year of its registration will 2025, not 2024. “In three to four years when selling a vehicle it is the later year of registration that could play a bigger role than the registration tax,” he added. “For the most popular vehicles, the
registration fee is500-600 euros, that is about 2-3% of the price of the car. Ilves advised to focus not on the total cost of the car, but on the monthly payments: “If you can pay 300 euros per month, then 310 euros will not become a critical difference.” He also noted
that the average Estonian family, which, in addition to auto leasing, has a housing loan, last year’s reduction in the Euribor rate has brought notable relief. In waiting for the introduction of the auto tax the end
of the year was particularly active for automobile sellers. In the fourth quarter of 2024 year in Estonia there were 4500 new cars more registered than in the same period of 2023 year. Although it was expected that at the end of the year would massively buy heavy cars with large engines, most often people have purchased vehicles which are not related to a specific year. Autoportaal.ee, among used cars the most popular that passed in
Estonia the first registration are Volvo XC60, Volvo XC90 and Volkswagen Passat. According to Coop Coop Liising, the Skoda Octavia lead among new vehicles, Škoda Kodiaq and Toyota RAV4, and among used
– Volkswagen Passat, Škoda Superb and Škoda Kodiaq. The current lull in the automobile market the both experts consider a usual appearance, and expect that the market traditionally will revitalize in the spring. According to Rahu, statistics confirm that automobile sales annually begin to increase in April. When purchasing a vehicle the paying ability of the customer, the needs and convenience play an important role in the consideration of the customer’s paying ability, their needs and comfort.purchase becomes a practical choice, where emotions go second to the second plan.However, None of any of the experts doesn’t
think that because of the avtonalog the Estonian roads will become more smaller cars. “Our life-style, public transport and distances are different from Southern Europe. There it is not accepted for the family to get into a car to go to
the village. So I don’t think that there will be a compact car revolution in Estonia -at least not because of the tax,” Rahu said. But he sees the probability that when choosing from 3-4 cars, buyers will be considering what the registration payment and the annual tax on the chosen car: “It is likely that among similar models that the preference will now be given to machines which have a lower tax.” According to Coop Liising, Besides the current price, it is also to consider what the car will be worth in five years.
The middle price category cars such as Skoda Octavia and Toyota RAV4, remain the leaders of the market because of the affordability of the Estonian consumer and practicality. The high residual value of these models makes they a reliable choice and in the secondary market. “For example, Toyota’s RAV4 within 10 years could retain up to 40% of its first primary price,” Ilves emphasized. In the secondary market
in depending on the brand the difference in the price between similar cars could be some few thousands of euros. It is therefore important to think about what will be with the car after the end of the leasing term and about how liquid it is.popular in new condition, for example, the Skoda Octavia, it will also be a liquid item on the secondary market and a reliable purchase,” Rahu explained. Martin Ilves noted that people have become more practical and are looking for
a car, that will provide soul satisfaction and with guarantee that will not require unexpected repair costs. “20 years ago the dream of an Estonian man was a used German car. They are now competing with Japanese and South Korean cars. The desire to live “for the envy of your neighbor” is notably fewer,” Ilves added. But, according to his words, the popularity is still of German machines 3-6 years old, which already have survived the first decrease in price, but in the relationship to which still the factory warranty. According to Ilves, the
Ilves has a family with two children living in the neighborhoods of Tallinn, where the adults work in the city, the logistics are difficult enough, and at least one car is definitely needed. Also owning a car is justified for those who regularly use
it on weekends. “When you live alone, for a few trips it may be easier to rent a car, but at a determined moment, if you live outside the city with a family and children, the presence of a car becomes necessary,” Ilves said. “Renting is reasonable if you live and work
inthecenterofthecityandyoudon’tneedacareveryday.”Butifyouneedtodrivechildrentokindergartenortogotothevillage,thatsuchmathisno longerjustworking,”,addedRahu.”Public transportation,” Ilves said, “is also unlikely to be counted on: “In the morning and in the evening.thesameandthesamequestion:taketwohoursbypublictransportoronehourbycar-evenifahalf-hourofthattimewillbespentintraffic.Timeisalwaysaveryimportantfactor.”