Winter holiday at mountain-skiing resorts abroad is becoming more popular, but, going to travel, you need to be prepared for the vagaries of the weather, loss of baggage and injuries on the slope. In the case of an accident accident only
the insurance from the Hospitality Cash may not be sufficient. Mountain skiing. Illustrative Photo. Photo: lassedesignen/Shutterstock
Winter holidays at mountain-skiing resorts abroad are becoming more popular, however, going to travel, you need to be prepared for the vagaries of the weather, loss of baggage and injuries
on the slope. In the event of an accident, only insurance from the Hospital may not be enough.
In the last years the residents of Estonia actively acquire mountain ski resorts Austria, Italy and France. Many people think that when traveling in the European Union no additional medical insurance is necessary, but the reality shows the opposite.
The head of the Estonian branch of the insurance company Gjensidige Raido Kirsiste notes that medical services abroad could be very expensive, and when taking sports on vacation the possible risks, including injury need to be considered.
“In our practice there are many cases of falls on slopes and serious treatment costs. Yes, the EU has a European European Card of health insurance, but in serious injury the victim is evacuated by specialized transport, often helicopter, and taken to the nearest hospital. Often, however, it turns out to beprivate clinic, where the European Medical Insurance card doesn’t work, and the patient has to pay all expenses on their own,” he explains.
According to Kirsiste, many people think the payment for insurance is unreasonably high, without representing the real scale of the possible medical bills.
“For example, in Slovakia our client collided on a slope with another skier, who had to be hospitalized. We covered the medical expenses of the victim in the amount of 4600 euros, because our client prepared the travel with personal liability insurance, ” says he.
A in Italy, Kirsiste says, after a severe fall, a skier required urgent surgery because of a fractured arm. The medical insurance Gjensidige reimbursed the costs of the treatment in the amount of 19 600 euros.
“Imagine this nightmare – paying almost 20 20 000 euros from our pocket,” – says Kirsiste.
Don’t forget to insure your equipment
Many winter sports lovers travel with their equipment, but it’s not uncommon for snowboards or skis to be lost in air transportation.
“Every winter we have cases where vacations are disrupted because of lost snowboarding or skiing equipment,” Kirsiste noted.
“Recently there was a story with one fun company who had solutely no luck. First their flight was delayed because of a severe snowfall in the mountains. When they finally arrived at the place, it appeared that the skis of one of the participants were lost. How can you protect yourself? When taking out insurance, it’s important to check whether the policy covers the transportation of alpine skiing equipment. “Despite the size, skis and snowboards can also get lost in travel. We offer an option of insurance for equipment, which must be added to a separate policy. “It covers as delayed delivery, or, if necessary, the rental of new equipment,” explains the expert. Unfortunately, the previously mentioned company had only insurance against the disruption of the travel, without protecting equipmentandhealth.In the end, thevacationcostmuchmoreexpensivethantheplanned one. .