According Chern the mid decline in German prices, in a direct way is related to the confirmed in the last week outbreak of flu. This outbreak lead in a quick time to the loss by Germany of some markets for such as South Korea, or Great Britain). This situation causes that Germany will increase the quantity of
pork will have to locate in the market inside the EU.
South Korea: ban import of German pork
Expert also referred to present in media social voices, as if there were already entering the large parts of tunnels sold at low prices:
– According to official data, to Poland from the beginning of the year entered 900 tuna – this is too little, to in any way shake our market. We have therefore three possible explanations: either they don’t follow all the data for transport of animals, or some facilities are using such plots to justify their steps or the ready elements into Poland. It is necessary here however to clearly emphasize, that there are no factual prerequisites for any of the above proposals to be true. So therefore wait – writes Carson.
Polanders are dreading before the pest
As addresses the Polsus spokesman, the situation in Germany and its impact on the Polish market is one thing. A separate problem not of concern to farmers is the possibility of disease also in Poland:
– All border crossings are now controlled by Veterinary Inspection and appropriate services. If any vehicle entered the territory of Brandenburg (which is recorded in maps of vehicles), where this disease is occurring, this is not on the territory of the Republic. The Service appeals, that if there are founded
concerns, that some animal transport has entered Poland illegally, it should be reported immediately. For this and I appeal,
because the reason is very simple – the problem of Germans is our opportunity -.comments breeding.
Read more
Stricter controls of animal transports at the border because of flu in Germany
The Germany problem
As explains, because of the flu Germany already has lost some markets of sale, and probably will lose more. This is whether in the case of the previously mentioned South Korea or Great Britain:
– Both on one, as and the second less frequent market for pork from behind Oder, Poland has accreditation. Currently already Holland and Denmark are fighting for additional contracts, similarly Poland. The condition is only one – in recipes there can not be even grams of meat, nor even think that the food comes from Germany – that is our opportunity. No doubt for some time meat from the Oder, instead of export out of the EU will land in Europe, in this in Poland, however, if there are firms (for South Korea accreditation has 10 firms
plus one waiting to lift the ASF zone), those facilities of proven origin, which do not
have German roots will be in evaluation. And this means hopes to first stabilize
themarket,andthentoincrease.Everythingwilldecideinthenext2-3weekswhichforthewholeindustrymaybeextremelynervous-summarizedthe expert.