According to a survey conducted by Norstat on behalf of Luminor, only one-third of Estonian entrepreneurs will forecast increase sales of their companies in the coming year. The estimates of entrepreneurs from other countries of the Baltic Baltic relative to the current year are
significantly more optimistic. Flags of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Photo: Eesti välisministeerium
According to a research conducted by Norstat on behalf of Luminor, only one-third of Estonian entrepreneurs predicts an increase in the sales of their companies in the coming year. The estimates of entrepreneurs from other countries in
the Baltics relative to the current year are more optimistic.
A late last year a study conducted by Norstat on call Luminor, found out, how entrepreneurs estimate the possible changes in the sales of their compared with the past year. According to data, only one-third of Estonian entrepreneurs expect growth in sales, Almost half (45%) believe that they will stay at the steady level, while 23% predict a decrease.
“The economy of Estonia is declining for the tenth quarter in-a-row, and significant growth inthenexttimeis notexpected.”Thisexplains theconstrainedexpectationsofourentrepreneurs,”saidLuminorIndrekYulge, head ofcorporatebanking.