
Executive Director Omniva is resigning from hispost.

Исполнительный директор Omniva покидает свой пост

March Myagi announced his retirement from the executive directorship of Omniva, thereby completing the four-year term of his tenure in this position.Under the leadership of Mägi the company strengthened its position as the leading logistics and postal company in the Baltic countries, has embarked on significant changes to restore profitability and seek new directions for growth, the BNS Omniva press office reported. The Council of the Company has appointed Martti Kuldma as new chairman of the Board of Management and Director of Innovation and Technology Martti Martti Kuldma as new Chairman
of Management from 1 March, as a result of which the Omniva Board will further consist of four members. “Over the last four years Omniva has made significant success and has reached the best position in its history. Now, when the goals established by the previous strategy are achieved, I think it is time to take over the baton. So this new strategic vision, already under the leadership of the new government, will be able to raise Omniva even higher, said Myagi. – – I was honored to lead Omniva, and
I am grateful for the contributions of every member of the team – it is only through their daily selflessness that we were able to lead Omniva to the high position.” In the time of Miaga’s work the Omniva company has achieved the highest levels of client satisfaction in its history, And last year the world postal organization UPU named Omniva the leading postal organization in Europe. The company also expanded its operations outside the Baltics, acquired Express Post and Parcelsea and completed a number of infrastructure projects, includingreconstruction of the entire network of post offices
in Estonia, significant expansion of the network of mail automats and construction of a new logistics center in Kaunas at the end of last year, which was awarded the Estonian Logistics Act 2024. The Omniva Council announced that from
March 1 2025 Martti Kuldma, currently heading the Innovation and Technology department, will become Chairman of Omniva. He is a member of the Omniva Management from 2023 year. The Council also decided not to elect a new member of the Board. In the words of Council Chair of Omniva Helo Meigas, over the last four years
March Myagi has implemented significant changes in Omniva. “We have built an organization covering all Balticia, have maintained the leading position in the competitive business of supplies in all three countries in Balticia, launched the international business and began to implement the difficult, but necessary solutions to restore Omniva’s profitability, ” said Meigas. The Council considers it necessary to begin a new phase of Omniva’s strategy, which will identify opportunities for growth based on the strongest sides of Omniva, and also actions to further rationalize processes over the five five years. “This is necessary not only to keep Omniva competitive and restore
profitability, but also to reduce the growth of prices in the unprofitable
today postal business and the business of packaging periodicals publications. In a year and a half of
workinginthedirectorshipMarttiKuldmahasproved himselfasastrongleaderwithaclearvisionofhowtoleadthecompanyforward.By appointing a strongstrongleaderfrom within thecompany,whohasalreadyestablishedthemselves,wewillbe able tobegintobeginwithasuccessfulcompany.implementingthenextstepofimportantchangestoOmniva,withoutwastingtime,”Meigas said.Myagasadded,thathecompletelysupportsthedecisionofthecouncilto appointMarttiKuldmaaschairofthegovernment.”HisvisionandunderstandingofOmniva’soperationswillensureasmoothtransitionandfurtherdevelopmentofthecompany.”

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