
Евро и доллар: один к одному. Что это значит для экономики?

Евро и доллар: один к одному. Что это значит для экономики?

2025 the year has just begun, and interesting trends in financial markets that began in the last quarter of the previous year continue. One of these trends is the weakening of the euro in relationship to the USD. From the beginning of October 2024 year the euro has lost 7.4% of its value at the relationship to the dollar, and today the exchange rate is approaching to parity – 1 to 1.The euro to the relationship to the dollar has substantially fell last time, which could lead to an increase in the daily expenditures of every person. This is concerned and the officials of the European Central Bank (ECB), because it could potentially
lead to increased inflation the most important indicator in making decisions about basic interest rates.
Analystsexpectthattheeuroratewillcontinue to fluctuate in thefuture.It should benotedthattheweakeningofeurohascontinuedforsometime,especiallyespeciallyaftertheUSpresidential election.

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