In the next issue of the Economy360° podcast we talk about how to effectively motivate employees. That not from under the palm, slowly muttering, but to come to the office
as to a holiday, happy and satisfied. Alexander Tverdovsky. Photo: Daniel Gilman
In the next issue of the Economy360° podcast, we talk about how to effectively motivate employees. So that they don’t work from under the palm, slowly muttering, but come
to the office as to a holiday, happy and satisfied.
Motivation at work as a tool for effective leadership: so whether it is better to motivate the people with the knock or carrot?
Or, may may be just a
good word and the subordinates will drive to fulfill and exceed the plan?
Guest podcast – business coach Alexander Tverdovsky.
As soon as we talk about motivation, many of us come to think of the famous parable of the donkey and the carrot.
A hungry donkey can be motivated in different ways. You can be be be shouting at him. You can call for consciousness, you can read sermons. You can promise him career growth. The titbits, of course, they encourage us more, than the punishments. Tie a sweet carrot to a stick and hang it in front of the nose of the willing animal.
Alexander Alexander Tverdovsky, Before choosing the most effective method of motivation, any manager should think about who, and who, in fact, we are gonnaMotivate.
One of the biggest authorities in the world in the arena of motivation is American Jim Ron, told Tverdovsky, who was in his time at his two-day training.
“One motivation is not enough: if you have an idiot and you motivate him, then the result is you get a motivated idiot,” quotes Expert Words Ron.
In other words, any boss should have a good understanding of what each of his subordinates represents, and, from this, determine with the strategy of motivation of the team.
As Tverdovsky emphasizes, to motivate and additional training is needed first of all not the lackers and lazy, as is often the case, but the best and initiative employees.
It is clear that every employee dreams about the bosses giving regular increases in their wages and writing benefits. How do similar incentives work in practice?
The Self raise of wages is obviously and the cat favorable, but it is hardly could be considered as an effective motivating factor, says the business coach.
The cause that in practice the effect of raising wages is short-term: psychologically the person is very quickly adapted to a higher level of income, so his needs and expectations begin to increase as well.
For material motivation to be effective, it must always be linked to the specific results of the worker, Tverdovsky says.
“First: there must be some objectives, which we together define. We draw up a work plan, say, for a month in advance – how much mustbe contracted or deals written articles, ” he said.
“Next, what should the manager ask the employee: say, what is needed from me, so that you can implement this plan ?” – completes the picture Alexander Tverdovsky.
What we also talk about in the podcast:
- Three types of workers: who is who in the collective?
- What has changed in Estonia over the last years in the plan of motivation of staff?
- Do our managers pay enough attention to motivation issues?
- What should be taken into account when choosing a method of motivating employees?
- Is it easier to motivate managers?
- Modern and out-of-the-box methods of motivation – to bosses for noting.
For more – in the fresh issue of the Economy360° podcast.
Music used in the podcast: Keep Calm and Podcast – Step To The Beat.
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