After the slowdown of YouTube the popularity of domestic video services began to increase. Experts edna conducted a research and found out how the consumption of content consumption of streaming services and which platforms are popular.
Results showed that many many moved c YouTube to other services: 12% still watch VK Videos, 11% find interesting content on Rutube.
The research involved 2 315 people from all regions of Russia, men and women at ages from 18 to 65 years. Almost a quarter of the surveyed (24%) continued using YouTube, using technical accelerating means . Every fifth (19%) said that they would continue to watch YouTube, as long as the service operates. Another 13% have stopped watching video content, and 12% didn’t notice the changes. Another third of Russians have found an alternative to YouTube. Of them 12% of they moved to VK Video, 11% – to Rutube, 10% chose other services.
Not watching domestic video services only 20% of Russians. At the same time active users of platforms noted their shortcomings. Almost a quarter (24%) think that Russian resources are still not enough diversity of content, 16% – favorite bloggers. Every tenth paid attention to a lack of foreign content. Among the disadvantages of Russians also noted uncomfortable interface (8%) and poorly adjusted search (5%). 16% of respondents have found everything they need on domestic video hosting sites .
The opinion of Russians about ecosystem platforms such as “VK Video”,split. As 43% of the surveyed considered that such services have some plusses and minuses. At disadvantages 20% of citizens named possible moderation of content, 16% – need of mandatory registration, 8% are unhappy with the much data that the resource receives about its users.
The attraction in the ecosystem is the opportunity to receive all required content in one place. 7% of Russians responded that 4% important that the video platform considers their interests. A 2% positively value the opportunity to share videos and discuss them.
Almost a third of Russians (30%) expect a diversity of content, 20% – high speed of video. For 16% of the citizens surveyed it is significant that viewing is free. For 13% it is important that no censorship is on the platform. The According toMediascope,the averageRussianspends4hours30 minutesontheInternetwith20%ofinternetconsumptionon video services.According toIpsos,themostpopularwithRussiansistheVK Videoservice”VK Video”,itisregularlyvisitedbymorethanhalfofRussians,athirdofcitizens