
Even 600 percent in up. Yes the rates have changed for garbage disposal.

Nawet 600 procent w górę. Tak zmieniły się stawki za wywóz śmieci
  • From sthetically 2025 year there has begun a wave of increases. From January the municipal authorities decide on higher fees for management of municipal waste.
  • Increasing the rate for trash in many locations in the country will mean a payment of more than 40 £ per person per month. 
  • In the municipality of Kutno according to a resolution of October 2014 year, the fee for waste from person was 10 £ monthly. From January 1 2025 year, this is to 44 £. This means that in this period the rates have increased by 340 percent.
  • We are checking, how from 2025 year it will look in selected cities and municipalities. 

Higher fee for garbage collection in Lublin from March 2025 

In Lublin the higher fee for collection of segregated and non-segregated waste will apply from March 2025 . Currently it is this relatively: 29.5 PLN and 33.5 PLN. In the case of persons, who do not segregate waste, the fees will amount 72 £ (per resident block) and 84 £ (for resident house). This however is not the end of changes in this city. As of March 2025 year. the new rate for collection of segregated garbage in Lublin will be 36 £ per month for one person in block and 42 £ for resident home. Further changes in the system of fees for communal waste are planned in July. Then the trash fee will be calculated by multiplying the number of used meters of water times 13.20 £.

In case, when the block does not have a main water meter or no data from the last six months, this assumes that on average one person consumes three meters of six water per month. And with 20%. ulgas will be able to families of multiple children – reports PortalSmorzą

Drastic example municipality Radlin

Huge increases of fees for collection of municipal waste are a reality, with which must be faced by residents of the municipality Radlin. There residents will pay from 1 January 44 £ per person. in 2024 year it was this 2014: 6.00 £/person./month. In over the decade therefore the prices for garbage removal will increase by 600 proc. 

We realize that, that the increase of fees for management of municipal waste from 33 £ to 44 £ per person month is a significant burden to your home budgets. We want to emphasize however, that this increase , though heavy for us all, is based on detailed calculations and actual expectations.The costs of operating the system of waste management – task, which is the obligation of each municipality – explains the municipality.

And in fact the municipality has presented such calculations. The increases are resulting from:

  • higher costs of collection and management of waste – cost (according to contract) in 2025 year. will be 7.75 million PLN;
  • increase marshal fee for storage of waste (from 312.10 PLN per ton in 2022 year. to 382.54 £ per ton in 2025 year);
    inflation (in years 2022-2024: increase by 30 percent.);
  • growth of fuel prices (in years 2022-2024: growth o 22 proc.);
  • increase minimum wage by 55 proc. in years 2022-2025.

More expensive for trash disposal in Grudziądz. It will be one of the highest fees in the country

In the municipality of Grudz from 1 January 2025 the fee for waste will 45 £ per person. This is by 11 £ more than today, that is by over 32 proc. The planned rate 45 zl will be one of the highest fees, counting per person, on a national scale. That same will be paid by residents of Dlugoleka municipality. And even more by residents of Kłodzko, because a 46 zł.

The situation in many places in the country looks similar. This, how the prices are shaped in selected cities. In Nowa Ruda and Zywiec since the old fee this is 44 PLN, in Mysłowice 41 PLN, a in Walcz 40 PLN. In Radom in a one-person household there is to pay 41 zł. To this group has joined the municipality of Zgorzelec, where the fee will 42 PLN per person month.

In Malopolska municipality 41 £ per person for garbage removal, in Janów Lubelski – 36 £

In municipality Wieprz more expensive is to be from 1 January. The current fee of 26 £ is to increase to 41 £ per person month. From the rail in Lubelsk in municipality Janów Lubelski “with attention to the permanent increasing costs related to function of the system of municipal waste management” the municipal authorities informed, that they are committed to update the rates of fees for collection and management of waste.From 1 January 2025 year it is planned in municipality  to increase rates of fees for waste management. Fees will increase by 6 £ per person. 

For future year rates of fees for collection, transport and management of wasteintheurbanareawillamountmonthlyperperson36£,whileinruralare32.50.PLNResidents,whohavecompostersmaybenefitfromafeein theamountof1£ perperson-readsonthemunicipality’swebsite.

How muchinWarsawforgarbagecollection?

Inthecityfrom1October2024to30September2025yeartheprice list applies,accordingtowhichresidentsofsingle-familyhousespay91£(previouslyitwasto107£).Fromrailrateforcollectionofgarbagefromfarmsinmultifamilybuildingsis60zł(previously85zł).



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