- What is the one-step assessment of breeding value?
- What benefits is the one-step assessment bringing to breeders?
- How has the implementation of new assessment been carried out in other countries?
- The new assessment is also some concerns related to the rapid changes in ranking. What on this experts?
“Modern Methods for evaluation of breeding value ” is the word conducted the VI Genetic Forum organized by the Polish Federation of Breeders and Milk Producers. Participants had an opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in the field of animal genetics and to expand knowledge on the one-step evaluation of breeding value.
– This year’s Forum focuses on innovative tools and methods of evaluation genetically, which are changing the objectives of breeding cattle across the world. One of the breakthrough achievements of breeding milk cattle is one-step assessment. As breeders we are excited to that as early as April 2025 . assessment of breeding values in Poland will be conducted according to the latest method, that is a one-step assessment – said Leszek Hądzlik, president of PFHBiPM.
As he explained, single-stage assessment is a modern method, through which it is possible to combine genomic, breeding and phenotypic data. This benefits breeders by increasing accuracy of evaluation of breeding value, which will allow acceleration of genetic progress in the national population of milk cattle.
Fast changes in the hand
Participants conference heard recognized specialists in the field of one-step evaluation of breeding value, both from Poland, as and from abroad, who played a key role in developing and implementing this method, including Professor Ignacy Misztal himself, who along with the research team at University in Georgia in US developed the methodology of this assessment.
As said by Prof. Misztal, the one-step assessment is becoming the international standard for evaluation of value.
– is easy to use for any quantity of data. However, one must remember, that it can lead to very rapid changes in different characteristics, so one must be careful, that its use is sustainable – emphasized Prof. Misztal.
Significant shortening the interval between generations
From the college prof. Daniela Lourenco from University in Georgia discussed how the implementation of the one-step price in the US. As indicated, the key advantages of this method are as follows.increasing accuracy of evaluation, unreliability and shortening the generation interval of bulls and females.
– Before introduction of genomic methods the generation interval was ok. 8 years, and now has decreased to 2.2 years. For mothers this was about 5-6 years, and now has also decreased to 2.2 years. So we have a really big benefit, if there is a generation gap – she pointed out.
Fewer steps, there is less risk of error or inaccuracy
The speaker emphasized, that one-step assessment is so interesting, because it is simple.
– We collect all information only and that much, we have taken care of. We don’t have to do any additional calculations, which we have in the multilevel assessment. This reduces the risk of making an error or inaccuracy. The one-step method is more accurate by ok 10 pts. proc. – said Prof. Lourenco.
She also indicated that this method is now very well researched, and therefore accurate and stable. – We have been working on lower for 15 years, so it is a method that has been refined and ready to apply – -summarized.
Huge impact on revenue. Perspective of Dutch breeders
from the college Wietse Duursm, a cattle breeder from Holland and president of agricultural cooperative CRV, presented the perspective of Dutch breeders on the one-step assessment.
– Year old, when we introduced the one-step evaluation, we informed breeders, that some buhys would be evaluated lower, and others higher, but the effect was satisfactory and I think the results were very beneficial for our farmers. We have gained a big improvement, when it comes to accuracy of evaluation. We have also new values. The new assessment provides higher accuracy for key features of the NVI index, which previously were not so accurate and reliable – Duursm said. – New tools, in this one-step assessment, have such large impact on our revenue, that it is difficult to ignore – he added.
Ease in implementation of new features
During Forum the presented also how the implementation of one-step assessment in the Holland from the perspective of the building company. Dr. Herwin Eding of CRV developing one-step assessment in Holland has been involved since 2016 . As has indicated, since that time it has been repeatedly demonstrated, that in most characteristics the one-step assessment performs better than.multivariate.
– Sometimes this benefit of one-step evaluation is small, and sometimes really great. Depends on what process we are talking about. In the case of health racic, mastitis or longevity accuracy assessment has increased significantly in comparison with previous systems. In addition we can easily introduce features, that were not in the previous system. Even if we have a small number
of animals genotyped, this accuracy is quite bad – dr Eding noted.
In prelegent assessment Dutch breeders see,
that thanks to the one-step value breeding will be less reliable. There will be more reliant on
both in bulls, cows, as and calves, thanks to which selection will be better, mating more efficiently, which will from both lead to greater breeding progress and benefits for breeders.
How the implementation of one-step assessment happened in Poland
Following dr. Sebastian Mucha, director Genetic Center PFHBiPM, and dr hab. Marcin Bee from the Genetic Center PFHBiPM, presented the process of implementing one-step assessment in Poland.
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Hot topic in evaluation of breeding value – evaluation one-step
– This required a lot of work, while the final step was the Interbull test, which must be passed, to know that the method is comparable to systems used by other countries in the world. The first test, for the majors, we passed in January 2024 year, while the other features were tested in September and all have passed this validation. This means that we have confirmed the conformity of our methodology with international standards – said dr Mucha.
He also pointed out that simplification of the process allows avoidance of different errors, which result from the multitude of calculation processes, including statistical errors. He also stressed that the increase in accuracy would translate into faster building progress in Polish states, and it is worth remembering, that these differences are these differences.really large.
– In every case we observe an increase in accuracy. If we look at by how much points percentage increases in accuracy at one-point assessment, we will see that for some features, which are very important for breeders, such as longevity or health retention, this difference is even 22 or 30 points. proc. – he stressed.
No rapid changes
From the course dr Mucha, he pointed out, that a very important value of the new system will be stability of the assessment.
– In addition to increased accuracy, one must prior to the stability of evaluation. Young animals will be in initially evaluated only
with help of genotype, because that is the first of available information. With in time there
will be information phenotypic cows or daughters of bulls, or the result of international evaluation. Thanks
to the possible changes will be gradual and evaluation stable – said dr Mucha.
Mentioned about this was also dr Bee, who stated, that so far the bull, which genomically has performed very well, after going to national evaluation it could have different breeding value and place in ranking, which often caused frustration among breeders. However examples from countries, in which one-step evaluation has already been implemented prove, that with this method there are no such jumps. Of course, there will be some changes in ranking bulls, but this will happen at the beginning, after the implementation of the new method, and after the situation stabilizes.
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One-step assessment of breeding values. What changes for breeders
To facilitate the induction of new features into evaluation
Also the one-step method simplifies the inclusion of siblings in population reference, which is very important when implementing new features for evaluation, as indicated by dr Mucha.
– In the case of new features, such as the take use of feed and emission of methane or features.related to health, it is necessary to collect tens of thousands of females or those bulls into reference populations with phenotype, which is extremely costly. However the one-step method enables to achieve decent accuracy with a significantly smaller reference population, which is not to overestimate, because this saves money, and also can implement evaluation of new features much quicker. For cattle breeding this is incredible – did dr Mucha. This is also an opportunity to implement evaluation for smaller breeds, as did dr Bee added.
As announced by the speakers, after the official implementation of the new assessment method will begin the process of adding to the new features, while at the end there will be modification and updating of selection indexes, that is. the PF Index and the Economic Index, to take into account these changes, which will appear after the implementation of the new evaluation system.
How does this be seen by Polish breeders?
During the event there might also be the perspective of Polish breeders on implementation of the one-step method. Presented by dr Dariusz Piątek, head breeding OHZ Dębołęka.
– Implementation of one-step assessment with certainty will contribute to quicker breeding progress. There will be another revolution, however, I believe that it should not be feared. Unfortunately, there will be clenched teeth, when
some animals fall in ranking, and others will take higher positions, but this is
our only opportunity, to go forwards. If this train goes away, then we
never get to take it, stated the breeder.
After implementing the one-step method, he expects
on increased accuracy, increased breeding progress, increased stability assessment and a chance to implement new features.
Fearsoftheunknown,that isaboutchangesinranking
Duringthepaneldiscussionthemostdiscussedissuewereconcernsaboutabruptchangesinrankingcreatedonthepricevalueofbuilding.Howeverspeakerssaid,thatintheUSandDutchreactionstotheintroduction ofone-stepassessmentwere”verypositive.Evenreactionsofinsemination centers.”
-Of course,therewerebuyings,whichfellinranking,bywhichcompaniescomplained,however,andinseminationcenters,andfarmers,focusedprimarilyontheprofitsandonthereliabilityofassessments,andalsotheopportunitytoimprovecharacteristicssuchasthepresenceofthepresence.healthinesshooves.Inrelatingtothisgeneralapproachwasenthusiastic.Inmyassessmenttheimplementationoftheone-stepmethod wentsmoothly,evenbetterthanIcouldexpect-saiddrHerwinEding.