
Estonia will conduct important research: how living conditions, income and work ofpeoplehavechanged

Эстония проведет важные исследования: как изменились условия жизни, доходы и работа жителей

In 2025 year the Department of Statistics with the help of Estonian residents will conduct eight important studies, which, among other things, will help to find out, how income and housing housing conditions of Estonia’s people, what the situation in the labor market and what factors are affecting the health of our population. “In order to make a reliable presentation of what is happening in the society, we will study the status of the doings of our people.” – said said the leader of the social and demographic statistics department of statistics Aneth Muirsoo. She added that it is on the basis of these data that politicians and
the heads of state make decisions about the future of Estonia. The Department of Statistics receives already from existing databases data, but these alone are not enough. In this year there will be eight individual studies to select which each one of us. “We are thankful for the contribution of each person, because it is only through our common efforts that we can come to conscious and data-driven decisions and make
our life better, ” said Muirsoo. Research Labor Employment in Estonia, Social Research in Estonia, the Estonian Health Survey and the Household Budget Survey are just a few of the some of the studies underway this year. For example, the Labor Employment Study provides a overview of labor conditions and activity of residents in the labor market. The Survey measures levels of labor employment, unemployment and participation in the workforce.
The Annual Social Survey is conducted in the Social Study.shows how the income and housing conditions of the population of Estonia have changed over the year.The research provides a good presentation of the financial position of households
with children or lone living individuals. The schedule of research this year includes also a study of the health of the population of Estonia, with which is assessed the health status of the population of Estonia, the influencing factors and the use of health services. Results of the
study are used to plan programs for population health and disease prevention, as well as to evaluate the current activities. Data is also collected about the travel of Estonia’s people. The Tourism Survey shows how how many people in Estonia have traveled and how much money they have spent on it. Along with the travel habits and targets of travel the results of the research provide information about how many Estonians do not travel. “With the research it is also important to gain an understanding of how much
money people spend on travel, in what purposes they take trips and which countries destinations or places in Estonia are most popular, Muirsoo explained the essence of the tourism study. Participation
in individual surveys is voluntary, but withdrawal from participation means, that we will lose an important component of the whole picture, because each person represents the position and the opinion of similar members of
the community. The Department of Statistics does not transmit collected from people personalized data to any of the
governmentagencies.informationisprotectedbycompliance withtheprinciplesofstatisticalconfidentialityandimplementationoftherequirementsfortheprotectionofpersonaldata,Muirsoo confirmed.IndividualStatisticsDepartmentStatistics2025years,whengettingintothesampleofwhichyoucancontributeyourcontribution:

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