The State Fleet applied to receive funding from the transportation direction of the European Connection Fund (CEF) for the construction of
a new environmentally sustainable icebreaker. Icebreaker Tarmo. Photo: Sander Ilvest
State fleet applied to receive funding from the transport direction of the European Connection Fund (CEF)
for the construction of a new environmentally sustainable icebreaker.
The cost of the icebreaker needed for Estonia is about 122 million euros, and the appropriate measure will cover approximately half of the construction costs. The remaining costs would need to be reimbursed from the state budget.
“Although the last winter was comparatively soft in terms of weather conditions, we must consider the need to keep our maritime ways free of ice in the cold period, said Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Svet. – – In addition, it should be taken into account, that the projected shipisdesignednotonlyforicebreakingwork,butalsoforperformingdifferenttaskssuchasprotectionofunderwaterinfrastructure”.