Rumours about the disappearance of the US work market have been slightly exaggerated. We wrote this statement during October month, but anxiety about the jobs market has not diminished up to now. In December month the unemployment decreased to 4,1 percent, significantly more new jobs were created in the some new jobs were provided , more of the population were in work, whose wages were growing at a healthy rate.
The Fed Prince has reduced interest by 1 percentage point, a large portion of this reduction has created fear due to the slow labour market. With one confirmation that the labor market does not need relaxing, while inflation remains at a higher level for longer than the expected the markets do do not expect a reviewable monetary policy. In 2025 years the markets see the opportunity for only one Fed interest reduction. Bond prices have significantly recovered, the 10 years of U.S. bond yields reached a more year than the unprecedented high for the years at 4,76 percent.
There is also little optimism in the election. The S&P 500 index fell 1.5 percent on Friday, of this market the currents sandors fix a did 0.4 percent recovery. Since higher interest is a negative factor for stock markets, a lower and further strengthened U.S. economy can sustain stock growth. The fourth quarter country GDP according to the “FED GDPNow” indicator should increase by 2.7 percent, of business profits and revenues growing at a healthy rate. In the past we have not seen situations when signals of strong economy were triggered by short-term short stock falls and in more longer term this did set the short stake declines. As some poor moods moved to other regions, the Europe STOXX 600 index rebounded by 1 percent, Asian markets also recapture a similar recovery.
Oil prices rise to 5 month high. “Brent oil prices from years ago from the floor about 9 percent to 81 USD/bbl. A almost 3 month long peace in the oil market appears over.The US has announced until now the most strict sanctions on Russian oil,The outgoing Biden administration is targeting the two companies exporting about a quarter of the country’s over all oil exports. The sanctions are applied tomorethan180vesselsassociatedwithGazpromNeftandSurgutneftegas,withafewoftheseareconsideredparticipatingin theshadowshipsof theshadowoilsystem.Therecentweekshaveseenadecreaseinoilreservesandareductionintheneartimebalancebetweenoilsupplyanddemand.In responsetothistheMiddleEastoilcountrieshaveincreasedthepricesofoilexportstoAsia.WhilelongerperiodmarketsarestillsufficientOPEC+oilsupplyandlowercosts,shortperiodproblems,includingpossibletighteningofIransanctionsbytheTrumpAdministrationbringsnewwavestotheoilmarket.