Entrepreneurs from Szczecin and Kosalin have requested a reduction of real estate tax, which for many firms constitutes a significant financial burden. The Western Pomeranian Cluster Maritime and Northern Isba Business in Szczecin indicate, that lower rates can support the economic development of the region and improve the situation of firms from the sector sea, industry and logistics.
The West Pomeranian Cluster Maritime during one of the committees of the City Council articulated expectations related to reduction of real estate tax for entrepreneurs operating in the shoreline area. The cluster includes over 100 firms, but it is known that the number of enterprises involving offshore, industry and maritime economy is significantly larger.The Northern Izba Economic in Szczecin supports the cluster’s appeal, and at the same time encourages, that local authorities more actively engage in supporting entrepreneurs by e.g. reducing duties on
which local authorities have influence. One of such is the property tax.
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Podatek od real estate 2025 – what nowego waits entrepreneurs?
In last days both in Szczecin and in Kosalin entrepreneurs appeal to the authorities of a wide discussion on the topic of tax on real estate. This is an expense, which annually in some firms reaches even hundreds thousands of gold. The largest amounts of tax are paid by of course industry and logistics warehousing, that is enterprises territorially occupying the widest area.
– The vast majority of issues related to the data and opportunities to support entrepreneurs lies in the gestures of institutions dependent on central authorities. Self-government can focus on integrating entrepreneurs, building a favorable economic environment, attracting investors. One of the few taxes dependent on the government is the tax on real estate. We concernedly notice, that authorities use the “fork” set by statute and set the highest of possible taxes for entrepreneurs. Such situation.has place in Kosalin. As the Northern Economic Chamber we very appreciate the cooperation with entrepreneurs, but we also consider, that all programs for support and activation of entrepreneurs should be based on reducing the tax burden – says Hanna Mojsiuk, president of North Izba Business in Szecin.
The need to support the maritime economy
President Mojsiuk adds at the same time, that the issue affects both Kosalin and Sczecin. The Northern Economic Chamber is solidifying also with the postulates of the West Pomeranian Maritime Cluster, which expects more support for the maritime economy in Szczecin.
– Szczecin is a maritime city. We cannot therefore flee from supporting sectors of the economy building the maritime dimension of the city. The situation of many companies is difficult, a high fee resulting m.among others, from the tax on real estate very often put on the total
profit earned by firms. Sector TSL, industry, offshore or firms operating at the Stocznia Sczecin
Vulcan or port should be supported by the government therefore the discussion about changing
the rates of real estate tax is justified – says Hanna Mojsiuk.
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Real-estate commercial still on the wave. Hard data
Northern IzbaBusinessisthelargestintheWestern Pomeranianprovinceassociationofentrepreneurs.Werecognizethatit isreasonableto remindauthorities,thatontheconditionofentrepreneursdependsonthesituationinthelabormarketandthepotentialofeconomic growth.Therewillbethereforeastrongself-governmentwithoutstrongenterprisesandinvestmentstakenbynoinvestments.