
Economist about the green transition: “We wash our own socks, and drain the dirty water into other people’sgardens.”

Экономист о зеленом переходе: «Сами стираем носки, а грязную воду сливаем в чужой огород»

Economist Trijnu Tapver in an interview Vikerraadio on the Friday Program stated, that Europe is trying to reduce CO2 emissions and make the appearance of environmental cleanliness, but in the actual pollution continues, only in a slight way. For example, we procure solar panels primarily from China, which is the biggest

source of steam gas in the world, writes ERR. Green

crossing causes the people of Estonia mixed feelings. Photo illustrative. Green crossing excites the people of Estonia mixed feelings. Photo illustrative. Photo: Marko Marko Saarm

Economist Trijnu Tapver in an interview Vikerraadio in the Friday Program said that Europe strives to reduce CO2 emissions and creates the appearance of environmental cleanliness, but in the actual pollution continues, only in a concrete form. For example, we procure solar

panels from China, which is the biggest source of steam gas in the world, writes ERR.

“In essentially, we can say this: we here, in Europe, wash our socks, and we pour the dirty water into our neighbor’s garden. What are we doing? We want to reduce, reduce and reduce CO2 emissions in our near Europe. Yes, I am for the preservation of the natural environment, without this nothing, – but is only at the cost of CO2?” – – questions Tapwer.

Chief Editor-in-Chief of News ERR Anwar Samostein a column for the newspaper Põhjarannik noted that the value of the green transition is beginning to decline.

The examples of changes in the vector of development don’t wait. They are already numerous, and often they are sounded directly from the mouth of the Prime Minister. So, in early December Prime Minister Kristen Mihal presented an updated draft of the Climate Law, which had been prepared for more than a>year. “My personal advice was to slightly reduce the tempo and conduct a longer discussion. “Fortunately, in this government coalition I can ensure thatwediscuss everythingquietly,” Michal said.

Onceinin perspectiveis”one of themostimportanttasks”.

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