
Eastern philosophy and Western aesthetics: how the brand Rituals Cosmetics is quickly conquering theworld,promotingrituals

Восточная философия и западная эстетика: как бренд Rituals Cosmetics быстро покоряет мир, пропагандируя ритуалы

In 2024 year Amsterdam-based Beauty and Health Rituals Cosmetics increased sales by 21%, reaching 2.1 billion euros, which is 23.5% more than in 2023 year. In this year the company plans to replicate its growth in this year. The story of the success of the brand – in the material RAU.

2000 year: beginning the

At the age 36 years Raymond Kloosterman decided to leave his successful career at Unliever and found his own company. This idea came to him while traveling in Asia. It was then that he discovered a way of life that could be filled with traditions, spirituality and rituals, Recognizing that even simple actions like washing hands, could become a moment of delay. Hence, in 2000 year he founded the Rituals Cosmetics company and opened his first store on one of the shopping streets of Amsterdam.

2005-09 years: Rituals Rituals Cosmetics opens stores in all Europe

Conquering the Netherlands market, the company took to a new level and began opening its stores in different countries in Europe. So, in 2005 year the first Rituals store in Belgium, further were Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Germany. Simultaneously with this company began to engage in tourist retail, thus beginning its global debut.

A A in 2009 year was the opening of the first Spa Rituals

Body Spa in the Netherlands, where clients have the opportunity to dive into a world of relaxation with different care procedures with the brand’s cosmetics.

2010-15 years: 500 stores, 800 goods

From 2010 to 20-15 years the company continued to actively grow and develop. In 2015 year the company opened its first store in Paris. By that time Rituals has become a global brand, which has 500 stores in more than 20 countries, offering 800 different products, and also over 1000 shop-in-shops and wholesale trading points.

2016 year: new horizons in the Middle


In 2016 year the brand Rituals opened its first store in the Mall of the Emirates in Dubai. This opening marked the beginning of the expansion into the Middle East market.

2020 year: twenty years of the company

The 20thanniversary of the company celebrated the opening of the first flagship House of Rituals in Amsterdam. This store is located in a four-story building totaling 1700

sq. m. Besides exclusive collections of cosmetics, fragrances and smells for home, there is also a restaurant Asian cuisine Rouhi and spa center.

2021-22 years: opening the 1000th store

In the 2021-22 years the company conquered the markets of Poland and also reached an important milestone by opening its 1000th store

.At that time, the company, which promotes a sized lifestyle of living, was beginning to grow extremely

fast. “It took us four years to open a second store, and now we open four new every week.” – said founder and general director Rituals Cosmetics Raymond Kloosterman.

2022 year: expanding in Asia

In this year the Rituals network crossed the borders of Asia, opening three stores in China’s Hainan Province.

2023 year: global company with 10 000 employees

In 2023 year Rituals turned into a global company with more than 10 000 000 employees in 33 countries. In that time the company had 1100 stores, 3300 shop-in-shops and 5 spa centers.

2024 year: record growth of sales

At the end of 2024 year the Rituals network had over 1300 stores in 42 countries, and 4176 sales points in other retail networks across the world.

The brand’s sales reached a record high of 2.1 billion euros, which is 23.5% more than in 2023 year. This fast growth in a significant degree was due to high sales in Europe and the expanding presence of the brand in Asia.

2025: conquering the world continues

In this year Rituals plans to open 240 new new stores across the world.

Secretssuccess of the brand

To understand the secrets of success and constant growth in sales of the Rituals brand, it is required to explore the key aspects of its strategy:

1. Focus on experience and sensory feelings

  • Rites and rituals: the brand positions its products not just as cosmetics, but as tools for creating special moments of relaxation and self-discovery;
  • Fragrances and textures: A great attention is to developing unique flavors and textures of products that create the atmosphere of a spa home.
  • Aesthetics and design: elegant design of the packaging and pleasant to the touch textures of the products create a sense of luxury and sophistication.

2. Combination of Eastern philosophy and Western aesthetics

  • Syncretism cultures: Rituals combines traditions of Eastern wisdom (e.g., Ayurveda) with Western technologies in the production of cosmetics.
  • Unique history brand: the story of the founder, who decided to create the company while traveling in Asia, where now the company is constantly searching for the best ingredients for their medicines, adds brand authenticity.

3. Omnichannel marketing

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  • Physical stores: stylish stores Rituals create an atmosphere that immerses customers into the world of the brand.
  • Online Platform: The developed online store allows customers to comfortably shop and learn more about the products.
  • Social networks: An active presence on social networks allows thebrandtocommunicatewiththeaudience,sharestoriesandcreatecommunity.


  • Environmentallycleaningredients:thebrandusesnaturalingredientsandminimizestheimpactontheenvironment.
  • Socialprojects:Ritualssupportsdifferentsocialinitiatives,whichenhancesthepositiveimageofthebrand.
  • 5.Uniquepositioninthemarket

  • Diversityoflinesofproducts:Thebrandoffers awideassortmentofproductsfordifferentneedsandtypesofskin.
  • Betweenmassmarketandluxurysegment:Ritualsfills anichebetweenmassmarketandluxurybrands,offeringqualityproductsataffordableprice.
  • .

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