Current opinions on the network are important (38.56%) or very important (34.55%) for People in the purchase – shows from the latest survey TrustMate. However, not for all consumers they are so important. What seven researched is begotten. A less important are people at the age 18-24 and over 65 years old. Such as as wealthy born or residents of Podlasie, Swietokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. How gender, age, location and income of Polish people influence the weight perception of actuality review?
In the series phigital, in which the digital world connects and interfaces with the real, the opinions of consumers have evolved into ranges a powerful mechanism of social influence, shaping perception of brands and purchasing behavior, affecting both online and offline shopping. From research ESW shows, that nearly all (95%) potential customers, when seeking information about products and services, direct their first priority reviews online. This behavior reflects the deeply rooted need for social verification and seeking evidence of justification before making decisions. For most (68%) consumers, analysis of opinions has become an integral part of the decision-making process, and 30% treat they as an obligatory element of every transaction. This phenomenon underlines, how strongly consumers rely on the experiences of others.
3/4 Polanders place on the actuality of reviews
O how same reviews are necessary, o how much their actuality is a condition sine qua non effective influencing purchasing decisions. – Current reviews on the network have key importance for consumers, because they directly influence their trust and purchasing decisions . Older opinions may not reflect the current offer, quality of products, services, changes in the company (e.g. staffing, policy) or market conditions (e.g. pricing, seasonality, updating offers). Consumers, seeing outdated reviews, may doubt the reliability of information and fear disappointment after purchase. Instead of this, they seek the latest, which gives them confidence, that they are making an informed decision based on actual experiences of others. – says Jerzy Krawczyk, president of the TrustMate.io.
This is confirmed by the results of TrustMate’s most recent research, which shows, that for the dominant majority, i.e., ¾ of respondents. ¾ of respondents this is an important or very important factor in the decision-making process. To the question: How important is to you, would have opinions/reviews on thetopic businesses and companies on the internet were updated, People responded, that it is important (38.56%) or very important (34.55%).
Relatively a small subset of respondents agree about the validity of the opinion. Responses “Little important,” “Medium important,” “Definitely not important,” and “I don’t reflect on this at at all attention” contribute totally only 13.45% of the total. From but, if we look at these responses
separately, then the data are presented
as follows. On average important – this response was indicated by 11.56% of students. Average important 7.08%, few important selected 4.25% of respondents, a 1.89% indicated the answer I don’t know/ hard to tell. Only 1.18% of surveyed in at all does not attend to the validity of opinions.
What more, numerous sources foreign, such as studies for reviews (e.g. BrightLocal, ReviewTrackers), analyses of the impact of reviews on conversion, data from platforms (Amazon, Google Maps) and analyses industry, confirm also, that the timeliness of reviews is a key factor building trust and influencing purchasing decisions. In effect, algorithms of many platforms promote the latest or last reviews, which additionally underlines their importance to users.
Why current reviews have such importance?
Survey TrustMate.io enables to understand, why updated reviews have such fundamental importance to Polish consumers. The market is constantly changing, and along with it the offer of companies, specifications of products and standards of customer service. An outdated review or such from some years ago may be inadequate to the current situation and lead consumers in mistake.
– The latest opinions reflect the current state of the things, giving consumers confidence, that they are making decisions on the basis of reliable information. What more, up-to-date reviews build confidence in the brand. The consumer, seeing the latest reviews, has the feeling, that he is receiving information from first hand, from persons, who have not used the offer – says Jerzy Krawczyk, president TrustMate.io. – Finally, in the context of online shopping, where there is no physical contact with the product, Updated reviews are a valuable source of information, allowing to minimize the risk of disappointment and to make an informed decision. Observe, that other consumers regularly use a service or purchase a product and share their actual s.impressions, constitutes strong evidence socially, increasing the willingness to buy – he adds.
Actuality a age
The youngest respondents, at ages 18-24 years, show the lowest interest personality, for whose actuality is “Very important” (24.70%). In this group relatively more people consider actuality as “Important” (38.40%) or “Medium important” (20.50%), which suggests, that though they value their concurrent opinions, this is not the priority for them in comparison with older groups of age. In with age, in the groups 25-34 years (28.60%) and 35-44 years (39.80%), from people, for whom updating is “Very important.” is increasing, which indicates the growing importance attached to the actuality of present opinions. In the age group 45-54 years the highest percentage of persons, for whose updated reviews are “Very important” (40,10%), which underscores, that for this age group is a key factor. In the group 55-64 years we observe the highest interest of people, who consider the actuality as “Important” (45.80%), though the interest of responding “Very important” is slightly lower. In the group 65-74 years of interest people, who consider the actuality as “Very important.” as and “Valid”, is held at a high level, approaching the average.The oldest group, 75-80 years old, is characterized by a more distributed response, with relatively high distribution of responses “Medium importance” and “I don’t turn on that at at all attention.”
Concluding, age has an influence on perception of validity of opinions. The youngest respondents (18-24) attribute slightly less importance than persons aged 25-64 years, for whom updatedness is very important. People at age 45-54 years are the most sensitive to actuality of reviews. People older (75-80 years) show less interest in actuality of reviews.
– Analysis of data revealed, that the timeliness of opinions is particularly important for people of age from 25 to 64 years. In relation to this, e-businesses should prioritize the strategy of sourcing and publishing new reviews especially in th th age group. Another important aspect is transparent presentation of dates of reviews. Customers should have easy and intuitive access to this information, which allows them to assess the actuality and reliability of reviews – comments Jerzy Krawczyk. – Also, monitoring and reacting to older reviews, even those negative, is.important element of building positive image of the company. It shows to customers, that the company actively listens to feedback and cares about relationships with their – and makes a difference.
Women frequently consider the validity of opinions as “Important” (42.30%) than men (35.00%). This suggests, that for women these biased reviews are more important than for men. The percentage of women, who consider the updated to be “Very important”, is minimally higher (35.30%) than for men (33.90%). Men most often rate actuality as “Medium important” (14.50%) than females (8.50%).
Income a actuality of opinions
Analyzing data on the weight that respondents of different levels of income attribute to actuality of opinions about e-firms, it is possible to notice some interesting relationships. Current reviews are important to most consumers, but weight increases with income, reaching the peak in groups with middle and higher earnings. People with the lowest and highest income show a slightly different approach to this issue, shows from the most recent TrustMate report.
People Less wealthy, earning less than 1000 £ net monthly, show relatively high interest response “Little important” (20%), which suggests, that in this group the timeliness of reviews is not a determining factor. Be possibly these people are driven prior to price and availability of offers, a opinion, even those older, they treat as additional, but not the key source of information. In the same group we also see a disparity of interest responses “Important” (40%), but a relatively low “Very important” (22.9%).
With the increase in income, from 1000 to 2999 £, we observe an increase in persons, for whose actuality is “Very important” (32.4%). In this group there is also a significantly high interest in responding “Medium important” (16.7%). This can be interpreted as seeking a balance between price and quality, where updated opinions help to evaluate the other.
In groups of medium and higher income, from 3000 to 8999 £, the weight of updated opinions remains at high levels. The total reference to “Important” and “Very important” exceeds 70% in each of these groups. This shows, that for people with stabilized financial situations, fresh and reliable opinions are an essential element of the decision-making process.
What interesting, people with the highest income, above 9,000 £, show some deviation from this trend.Although still high is the interest response “Important” (44.1%) and “Very important” (35.3%), this appears to also relatively high interest responses “Medium important” (10.3%) and “I don’t know/hard to say” (9.1%). This may result from the fact, that these persons, because of their material status, have access to other sources of information, such as recommendations from trusted people or exclusive advisory services, which reduces their dependence on commonly available reviews online. They can also have more confidence in their own experiences and intuition.
Differences resulting from location and residence
Despite general trend, there are some differences regionally. In Malopolska, Lódz and Lubus place by far the greatest emphasis on updated reviews. In Malopolska almost 60% of respondents recognized they as “Very important”, and in Lódz and Lubus this recency exceeds 50%. with other residents of Podlasie, Swietokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie show slightly less attachment to updates, with relatively higher interest responses “Medium importance” and “Little importance”, shows from the TrustMate report. In Podlasie the reported 9.30% and 15.40% of such indications, and in Swietokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskieafter12.50%and16.70%, respectively.
Inrelationtothis,e-businessesshouldconsideradaptingtheirmarketingandcommunicationsstrategiestothespecificsofindividualregions.FirmsoperatinginMalopolska,LódzandLubusshouldparticularlyattendtopresentup-to-dateopinions,amonitoringopinionsinindividualregionscanhelpidentifylocalneedsandproblems.Despitetheseregionaldisparities,the validityofopinionsremainsanimportantfactorformostPolishconsumers.
Concluding,updatedreviewsareperceivedasmorereliableandaimportantfactorinfluencingpurchasingdecisions,minimizingtheriskofdisappointmentandgivingconsumersconfidence,thattheyare makingdecisionsbasedonactualinformation.Fromthisreason,companiesshouldattendtotheconstantinfluenceofnewopinionsandmonitorthoseexisting,tomaintainhighlevelofconfidenceandpositivelyinfluencetheincreaseofsales.
ThestudywasconductedoncommissionTrustMate.iobytheresearch firmUCEResearch,onarepresentativesampleof1006Polish people,inOctober2024,methodCAWI.