
E-consumers on the target cybershares. What arethey looking for?

E-konsumenci na celowniku cyberoszustów. Czego się wystrzegać?

Shopping online is today a daily occurrence. Convenience and speed are appreciated by buyers in every century, both transacting through the computer, as and the smartphone. Unfortunately e-consumers are at the same time the object of interest to the cybercustomers. According to a study conducted on Tpay, almost 19% of buyers fell victim of their activities over the last year. What are the fraud customers have encountered? What are the most fearful of clicking on “add to the basket”?

  • For buyers the most important factor attracting to the store invariably is price.
  • Nearly half of the most fear of goods not conforming to expectations. Problems with payment – only 7%.
  • Nearly 40% of respondents indicated, that fraudsters attempted to deceive their or a close to them .
  • In day

    of increasing activity cyber fraud a huge role of market e-commerce is education and improving standard security.

Attention on false e-mails dot.



Caution na falszywe-e-maile dot “free apteczki”. Cyber fraudsters are impersonating the NFZ

How do consumers choose store online?

The choice of e-store, where the consumer will make purchases, is determined by a number of factors, which Tpay, operator of online payments, already for the fourth time studies in the report “How People like pay online.” Invariably from 2020 year the key factors remain price and cost delivery (in 2024 they are the most important to 55% and 44% of respondents, respectively), contributing to the total cost of the order. Nearly one third of respondents also return attention to promotions and available in store bonuses.

The least important factors surveyed included the appearance of the website, the speed of data loading on the website and the presence of the store on social media. The widespread accessibility of fast internet and online shops built on based on professional technologies make they, that the consumer frequently has to face with technological obstacles. At the same time on the network it is easily comparable prices and availability of products, naturally.will therefore choose that e-commerce, which offers the best conditions.

– Owners of e-commerce, to obtain and retain customers, will attend every step on the purchasing path. Although, as shows from our report, for the buyer the appearance online store is not the most important, that the success of each transaction consists of a series of factors. The available ready store solutions, whether this is in Open Source model, whether SaaS, are well optimized, giving the opportunity to expand the functionality of store for example. by gateway payments or managing statuses orders – says Arthur Maliszewski, Chief Innovation Officer at Tpay. – In order to have the customer to us return, it is important to make his shopping experience the best possible, by not only on the price, but also using safe and modern technologies: whether this is in the store itself, or by cooperating with trustworthy partners supporting this process: from operators payment to transportation companies – he adds.

What fears the customer e-shop?

The biggest consumer concern is the inconsistency of the service with expectations: almost half of respondents in the Tpay survey gave this answer. These concerns may appear for example. at the moment of ordering products from foreign, or purchased for the first time at a store. Legislation in Poland and abroad increasingly better protects the interests of consumers, e.g.. imposing on the vendor responsibility for nonconformity of the good for two years after the date of delivery of the ordered product, or enabling the consumer to withdraw from the contract.

However in

the event that the item does not meet

the expectations of the buyer, his request to the store for example. in the United States can be costly, and the process time-consuming. Hence the concern about the mismatch of the goods with expectations remains always valid. What interesting, internauts with much greater dose of confidence approach the issues related to paying for purchases online. 2 of 10 survey respondents declared, that when shopping online the most concerned about the security of data and bank account, a 7% – payments on the network.

– Although problems with security of data and bank accounts are in the second place in results of research, this only 19% of respondents indicated this reason, as their biggest concern when shopping online. This may testify to a large trust in, which banks apply and about growing awareness of consumers, how to maintain security of payments on the network – comments Patrick Korus, Director Office of Activation Channels and Digital Processes at Bank Pekao S.A.. – However the available technology is only one side of this medal, the other is how the customer from this opportunity uses and whether he uses it fully. It is important that customers be sensitive and take prudent actions, that e.g., they are reimbursed. take attention to opinions on the store on the internet and how long it has been on the methods of payment are available at the store. Do not provide data to log to electronic banking or complete data of the payment card. It seems that these are basic principles, however sometimes in haste bagatized – he points out.

What third internaut has encountered with attempts of fraud

Cyber fraudsters continue to try new ways, to reach their victims. Fake telephones, e-mails or even bank websites make consumers must be very cautious and not allow to be manipulated by criminals. Popular some time then methods “on grandchild” or “on BLIKA” all time work, though every month there are reports in the media about new methods of cheating, also buying on the network.

As reports Tpay, on the opportunity to purchase on the internet respondents most often have encountered attempted fraud, where the criminal has appeared to buy on a popular service or advertising fine: that 39% of respondents were attempting to steal. Another type of fraud, affecting 32% is the so-called “per package” (messages containing requests for addition to the package or such as clicking on the package. clicking on the link to tracking); 29% attempted to steal “on BLEK”.

As many as 37% of respondents have encountered an attempted extortion, whether this in person (18%), or in the presence of a person close to them (19%); in 19% of cases the offenders have achieved their purpose. As reports the NationalBankofPolandininformationaboutfraudulenttransactionsconductedwiththeuseofnon-cashpayment instruments,inthefirstthreequartersof2024yearthere were334thousandsregistered.suchtransactionswithavalueofover493million PLN.

Criminalstake advantageofhaste,inattentionandignoranceoftheirvictims,impersonatingcustomers,employeesoffinancialinstitutionsorcarriers.Victimsfallalreadynottheolderpeopleorthosewhoare.Withlittleexperienceine-shopping.This is whyit issoimportanttobesensitivewhenusingthenetworkandelectronicpayment instruments,sothatshoppingonthenetworkcanbejustconvenientandpleasant.

Report”HowPeoplelikepayonline.Safee-shopping”wasconstructedonthe basisofresearchperformedonorderTpaybyInstituteResearchPollsterin2024year.PartnersareBankPekaoS.A.andIzbaGospodarkaElektroniczna.


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