In the digital world the citizen needs secure and convenient technological solutions to do their issues. Both e-evidence, and the application mCitizen with mEvidence give many opportunities for identification and use of internet services. It is a major convenience at many life moments. In the citizen it is also the possibility of using the whole range of digital services directly from the telephone level.
E-evidence with profile personal – secure means of electronic identification
E-evidence, that is a physical personal evidence with electronic layer issued after 4 March 2019 year, that is a document, that allows you to handle many issues on the Internet. The first condition is an active electronic layer e-document, loaded certificates and established to their PIN codes. Second – possession of the e-card reader and software E-card manager installed on the computer or app eDO App in the phone with module NFC.
E-evidence enables among others:
- Create trusted profile – e-evidence can confirm the application for trusted profile. It is sufficient to insert the document into the reader connected to the computer with E-card manager or into the phone with the NFC module, in which is installed eDO App. Requires to enter the 4-digit code PIN for certification identification and authentication in e-app.
- Sign document in digital form with using certificate personal e-proof. In this case use 6-digit PIN (so-called. PIN2) and as previously used from the reader connected to the computer with software E-evidence electronic signature or application eDO App. The personal signature can then include on any document in digital form, if you use software E-evidence electronic signature or on any document in form PDF, if you use eDO App. Such signature is valid in contacts with public administration. In the case of other entities or persons private, both parties must first agree to honor such signature.
From the county if the user has a pUK code held at the time of receipt e-evidence, can also self unlock or change the PIN codes to certificates in e-certificate. This is especially helpful, if you have triple entered the wrong PIN and
blocked some certificate or does not remember the PIN and want to set a new one. The eDO App or the reader
with the computer and the evidence.will save yourself a trip to office.
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The National node on extending hands with e-proof and mCitizen
E-proof, similar as application mCitizen with added mProof, also allows you to log into the node of the state services system available at the internet It is worth looking at the similarities and differences in this process dependent on the document used and looking at services available online.
For reminder the node is the name of the network of administrative services available on the Internet under common address ePUAP, PUE ZUS, portal CEIDG, a also Emp@tia and Internet Account Patient. One login enables use of a wide range of services e-administration.
Although both documents allow you to log in to a national node, it is worth noting the differences in this process and the impact on the speed of operation and comfort of the user:
- In the case e-proof there is to the reader connected to the computer with the reader software or the app eDO App on the phone with NFC. Logging will require the entry of a 4-digit PIN certificate identification and authentication in e-ID.
- In the case of using application mCitizen with mEvidence just scan
the code QR appearing on the screen logging in to the domestic node. After positive verification of
the code the user is logged in and can use a wide range of services for
citizens available on pages and on government services.
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mCitizen with mDocument, meaning e-administration on the phone
The mCitizen application is a digital portfolio for documents. In application you can add different documents of identity, such as school legitimacy, student or, but it is the evidence that gives access to the full possibilities of application. It is also worth remembering, that the app mCitizen gives access to many administrative services right from the level of the smartphone, that is without needing to log into individual services internet.
mCitizen with mEvidence permits an other to:
- record the PESEL number and revoke its record,
- report dangerous situations on the Internet through the Safely on the network service,
- verifying your criminal points, mandates and data of owned vehicles,
- knowing the history of the vehicle before its purchase,
- submitting applications on the Internet, e.g., for the
purchase. for gas allowance ,
- checking the safety of the coach before the trip,
- reporting an environmental violation, e.g. illegal
landfill of trash,
- use of rail services or public transport in many places of Poland.
Themost importantdocumentinapplicationsisthemDocument,whichgivesmanypossibilitiestousethemCitizenandisonedigitaldocumentofidentityimportantinPoland.It is therefore worthhavingitunderhandanddailyexploringthebenefits,itgives.