- The beetroot beetle is already present in most plantation regions.
- A delayed first fungicide treatment will not effectively limit the development of the disease.
- Not every spot on the leaves is a tassel.
– Rainfall and temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius favor the development of fungal diseases. We remind you about the need to perform fungicide treatments. Monitoring of fungal leaf diseases carried out by Advisors shows that the first symptoms of the beetroot beetroot are already occurring in almost the entire beet growing area – experts from Pfeifer&Langen warn their growers.
The development of the beetle is also favored by the fact that compact rows have been observed for a long time, and in many places, thanks to high rainfall, the plants have generated large biomass. Both factors cause the canopy to remain moist for a long time after even light rainfall.
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Bacterial disease also appears in the field
Beet leaf spot can be confused with a bacterial disease: bacterial leaf spot, which also appeared on beet plantations.
– Bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas) has already occurred on beet leaves in all regions following local storm rainfall in May/June. It cannot be controlled with fungicides, but it usually does not cause significant yield losses. The differences between leaf spot and bacterial leaf spot are generally visible to the naked eye. You can also use a magnifying glass to be sure. The spots that are symptoms of talus are characterized by a round shape and their internal structure is ring-shaped. In the case of bacterial spotting, the shape is usually irregular and the interior is uniform – inform advisors from Pfeifer&Langen.
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Lens effect and damaged leaves
Locally, especially after the recent rainfall and in poor, light, acidified sites with low potassium supply or those suspected of containing the beet cyst nematode, plants lost turgor for a long time during this period. The leaf rosette has already been damaged locally. Light, yellowed leaves have appeared, which will die over time. On such organs, leaf diseases will appear in priority. There are also more and more symptoms of pests feeding on the leaves on plantations, often including caterpillars of butterflies: vegetable leaf mites and arable beetles.
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