
Dwie strony medalu umowy UE – Mercosur

Dwie strony medalu umowy UE – Mercosur

Radoslaw Iwański: The Polish government said “no” to the EU agreement with Mercosur. This happened before she signed on the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Do you understand the position of our government?

Barbara Wieliczko: I yes, and no. Yes, because this agreement is not beneficial for European agriculture.

In government there is one minister of agriculture….

Poland is not leading, if it is about industry, so from the viewpoint of Poland this agreement does benefit the economy. Of course, we are producers of assemblies for German industry, so directly some benefits will come from this agreement for us. The German motive industry and the entire German economy will grow, and as we know, they are in quite crisis. So directly the Polish economy is profiting, too. But really this agreement from the same beginning assumed, that EU industry is gaining access to markets countries Mercosur, a of rail Mercosur gains access to the European market, if it comes to agriculture. 


Agriculture has been submitted as a sacrifice on the table of farmers in Europe. Something in this is?

Yes, it is true. 

Other producers are saying also, that German motoring is more important than European farming.

Yes. Just look, how there is trading between the European Union and

Farmers have, protest against this agreement. Is their concern right?

Yes. Farmers are not a homogeneous group, some will get access to cheaper soy, such as beef producers, while others may lose out. It is worth noting, that protest against this agreement also producers in America South, because their concern is aroused by aspects related to protection of the natural environment, in intended to access to the EU market. They feared that they would obtain.Those large farmers in South America, who are illegally producing, cutting the Amazonian forests, and small producers are losing. As you can see the concerns and doubts are also on there sides. 

The agreement was negotiated for 25 years. It was finalized despite protests and a huge confusion about it. Why? How does you assess it ?

It’s hard to say, whether fast or not? I would say, that that it was rapid its finalization, a bit unexpected for me, because that the contract was closed in 2019 , that is before the European Commission had obtained the document, which is its assessment of its impact on sustainability. This document was prepared by renomed London School of Economics in 2020 . And in it quite delicately raises the issue of the Amazonian classes and the population there, the issue of labor rights in South America, but generally it was assessed, that the agreement is beneficial for both parties and that meets all requirements. Then it became about it and it was quiet. We had pandemic, Russian aggression on Ukraine and so really discuss about it on now appeared during the hearing of candidates for Commissioners of the European Union present Commission, when the Parliamentarians asked the individual Commissioners, will they support the trade EU – countries Mercosur? This “sudden” is resulting from the fact, that it is coming from a pandemic, that that the situation in the EU economy is deteriorating and It would be to have some success, and since this agreement was almost ready five years ago, it was decided to close. 

However the signature on it submitted by the European Commission does not mean that this agreement enters into force. Member countries must agree to it.

A lot of characters question is about its ratification, in how should it be accepted? The national parliaments, the European Parliament will decide, and maybe only the heads of countries of the Community?

This will depend on that, how in individual countries these issues have been defined. In our country the agreement must be expressed by our parliament.

In unpredictable situations this is very difficult. In industry we can calculate costs of energy itd…, in agriculture the

Is in the global contract with

Community develops trade with different parts of the world. Mercosur countries removed duties on industrial products from the EU, and in return countries of South America received access in Europe for their products agricultural.  

If you were the most advocate of the Polish Prime Minister and he would ask about it, whether he should agree to the Mercosur contract or not, then what would you answer?

Nothing in politics is easy. The European Commission must tell clearly, whether the objectives it has set for itself in connection with this agreement, have been achieved? The European Commission has from a and-a-half decade in trade agreements with other countries or those blocs of countries also has environmental goals. As we know, we are creating to lead the world in connection with. Many institutions concerned with this problem argue, that this is only from appearances beautiful, because from in the turn in many countries, which are trade partners of Europe, these goals are important and are not fulfilled. I have listened to discussions by experts from South America, who were speaking on just this issue and on the trade agreement. They said, that the countries of Marcosur are not ready for that they really implement the objectives of environmental sustainability. There are no guarantees, that will be for beef,which will be exported to the EU, will come from south Brazil, where there is beef from northern Brazil, where for agricultural production is used land after the conquered Amazonian forests, on which pastures are being created. This obviously, constitutes a difference for European consumers and for they should make a difference, whether they will have beef of poor or good quality.

Environmental, Whether they will be able in 100 percent. verify that, under what environmental conditions have been produced agricultural products in countries Mercosur? Farmers have taken the so-called luster conditions in agricultural production for farmers from South America. in connection with profitability production on the Old Continent. 

Experts from

By the way, you are not surprised by this because I that vote in on the contract with Mercosur is taken by farmers, and no hearing of consumers? Do they have all the same, what they eat, or may they still not be aware of the above issues? Will only the affluence of the wallet determine the choice of products?

Consumers also are not a uniform group. Some look at that, what is written on the label of products, on the turn others are interested only price. This second group in connection with rising inflation looks only on promotions while shopping. 

FREE food. What

Is in the agreement with Mercosur also about cheap food for consumers in Europe? Is that the other ofthisagreement?After alltheincreasingindexoffood prices,whichhasbeensince1960year,calculatedFAO,oneof theagendasoftheOrganizationofUnited Nations. 

The success,whichhasbeen achievedbyEuropeanagriculture,isunquestionable.Theinterestonfoodexpendituresinconsumers’ budgets.We mustlookthe truthin eyes-ifwewantto havehealthyfoodlocalorregional,andnotfromthe otherendoftheworld,createdwithuseofnon-renewable resources,thatwemustbeaccustomedtothatfoodpriceswillbehigherand Thatexpendituresonitwillformahigherpartofourhomebudgets.Be.Maybethenwewillconsciouslybuyfood,buyfewerofit,healthieryourselfand notwaste it.Ifthiswillbe,thiswillhappentoallhealth. 

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