On the websites of the Transportation Department and Tax and Customs Department (MTA) are automobile tax calculators, which display the different amounts of tax to pay. The difference is from three to fifteen euros, and sometimes more, in favor of the Tax and Customs Department. At first look it may appear that the department is gradually collecting Estonian people,
taking a few euros. Taxi driver Helmut Pyder doesn’t know exactly how much tax will be paid, but trusts the calculations of the Tax and Customs department. Photo: Sille Annuk
The Sebsites of the Transportation Department of Transportation and the Tax and Customs Department (MTA) have automobile tax calculators, which show different amounts of tax to pay. The difference is from three to fifteen euros, and sometimes more, in favor of the Tax and Customs Department. At first look it may appear that
the department is gradually collecting Estonian residents, taking a few euros.
But this is not that. A difference in the amount of tax occurs if the base incorrect date of the calculation of the annual tax, explained Karl-Josep Küngas, an expert in communication of the Transport Department of Transport Karl-Josep Küngas.
The Tax and Customs Department sends a notice of tax, where the date of calculation is indicated.последний день предыдущего года: 31 декабря. В то же время, в калькуляторе налога на транспортные средства, размещенном в системе самообслуживания Транспортного департамента, по умолчанию используется датанамоментрасчета.Из-заэтогокалькуляторТранспортногодепартаментаотображаетрасчеттак,будтоавтомобильбылприобретенсегодня,ивсепредыдущиедниэтогогодаисключаютсяизналогообложения.