Today's session of the German "big stock exchange" for live pigs brought the first change in a long time.
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China's gambit: How the anti-dumping decision blocks Polish exporters in other Asian countries
How much do fattened pigs cost in Germany?
According to VEZG, for the next week in Germany the recommended purchase rate for fattening pigs will be EUR 2.10 per kilogram of fattening pig with a meat content of 57%. (equivalent to our class E), i.e. as much as 10 eurocents less than a week ago.
Converted into the national currency (1 EUR = PLN 4.30 according to the National Bank of Poland on July 3, 2023), German fattening pigs currently cost PLN 9.03/kg compared to PLN 9.48/kg a week ago.
Prices of domestic pigs for fattening
At the beginning of the week, domestic fattening pigs cost PLN 9.36 net per kilogram of fattening pig in class E and PLN 7.22 net per kilogram of fattening pig in live weight, respectively.
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The beginning of July brought no changes in the purchases of fattening pigs