The new President of the United States Donald Trump has announced that the
country is waiting a “golden age.” Donald Trump. Photo: Julia Demaree Nikhinson
The new President of the United States
Donald Trump has declared that the country is waiting for a “golden age.”
He started his term with a powerful announcement, announcing on the day of the inauguration an emergency position on the US and Mexico border. His saying this is necessary to fight illegal immigration and drug trafficking, which he says threatens the security of the country.
Trump called Mexican drug cartels terrorist organizations. This decision, in his words, should ensure a more effective fight against drug crime, which is destroying lives in the U.S., and outside their borders.
Military to the border
Immigration policy has become Trump’s chief priority. He announced plans for mass deportations and sending military to strengthen the border, which became a return to his hard course in the time of the first term.
The President also intends to reinstate the so called “Muslim prohibition,” restricting travel from a country with a predominantly Muslim population. This measure has earlier caused furious discussion and criticism, but, in Trump’s words, it is necessary to protect national security.
Tariffs and more times
In the economic sphere Trump focused on imposing tough trade tariffs, especially in the relationship to China. He believes that such measures will help strengthen the U.S. economy and eliminate thetrade imbalance, which remains a long-standing problem.
In addition, Trump has announced the intention to return control over the Panama Channel, rename the Gulf of Mexico to the American Gulf, and mount Mount Denali in Canada re-name McKinley.
Course on fossil resources
Climatic Policy Trump’s Trump signs a sharp departure from the previous course. He announced the intention to withdraw from the Paris agreement on climate and advocated the active use of fossil resources, placing economic growth instead of investment in renewable energy.
Restrictions for transgender people
In social policy Trump intends to ban the teaching of critical racial theory in schools, calling it harmful ideology. He also plans to restrict participation of transgender people in women sports, emphasizing the importance of biological sex to ensure fair competition.
Ending the War in Ukraine
In International Politics Trump announced the intention to end thewarinUkraineandrequiremorefinancialparticipationfromNATOmembers.
Trump’sfirstactionshavealreadycausedwidespreaddiscussionanddifferentresponsesintheU.S.,andoutsidetheirborders.Hissharppoliciesandharshrhetorichave drawnsomesupport,someandcriticism.