On January 13 January the Financial Inspectorate revoked the license of Kinnistulaen OÜ to issue loans and mortgage loans.The license was invalid, because Kinnistulaen OÜ (registration code 12567781) has repeatedly violated the regulatory regulations of the legal act. The creditor failed to respond to inquiries financial inspection, and the company had not been subject to internal monitoring for many years. In addition, Kinnistulaen OÜ has repeatedly failed to submit annual reports by the determined due date, and the manager of the company, according to the Financial Inspection,
does not have an impeccable business reputation. Kinnistulaen OÜ is no longer authorized to provide services for which the license
of a lender and a mortgage lender is required. The Company was founded in 2013 and its primary activities are lending.
Alexei Baranov is a member of the Kinnistulaen OÜ Management of Kinnistulaen OÜ . In 2023 year the turnover of the company was zero euros, and the net profit is 28 014 euros. A year earlier the company was in minus by
24 907 euros. At the end of 2024 year the company also had no employees. In the past year, September 16 September the Financial Inspectorate issued an order Kinnistulaen OÜ, binding the firm to submit the inspectorate audited annual report for 2023 year. She also was required to submit to the Financial Inspection a copy of the jury auditor’s report, a
proposal and a decision on the allocation of profits or covering losses, and also an extract from the minutes of the general meeting of the decision to approve or not to approve the annual report. The fiscal year of these credit organizations begins January 1 and ends 31
December. By Law they were obliged to submit their reports to the Credit Organizations in the Annual Reporting Annual Report.Financial Inspection report
forthe2023financialyearandtherelevantdocumentswithintwoweeksafterthegeneralshareholders’ meeting,i.e. no laterthan14July2024.