
Dlaczego kury zimą znoszą mniej jajek? Powód jest zwykle prozaiczny

Dlaczego kury zimą znoszą mniej jajek? Powód jest zwykle prozaiczny

In initially it should be noted, that the factors responsible for the carrying capacity of cur, in addition to the mentioned light, there are many. These include these among others.Among others:

  • physiology and genetics
  • conditions environment, including light,
  • hygienic production, 
  • nutrition.

In farm farm fulfillment of these requirements in a year does not problems, however in home breeding in winter maintaining the proper environmental conditions is more difficult. Particularly when it comes to light, a play one of the key roles in laying chicken.

Why cats need light for the whole year?

Light in chickens influences the proper behavior of daily rhythm, conditions the growth and development of birds, determines the tempo of sexual maturation. Chickens are very sensitive to the effect of light, a appropriate light stimulates the hormonal system in poultry, a further work of the cerebral pituitary gland, which from the other responsible for hormones associated with the creation and the maturation of ovarian cells. From this also because in home rearing we observe a decrease in chickens in the winter period. Natural supply of light is insufficient at that time. The length of day light shortens because to a maximum of 8 hours, and additionally the frequent occurrence at that time of the year large clouds significantly limit the quant of energy light provided to animals. Other factors not conducive to leaving the curtain and going to daylight are low temperature and snow. Therefore the only way to provide chickens with appropriate light is to use artificial.

How much light should chickens have in winter?

Accepted standards establish defined time day of light, and recommended intensity of light for individual pensities. According to the study “Conducting animal production” (WSiP, 2020) the intensity of light should be on levels of 5-10 lux (regardless of the phase of laying)> Another development (Breeding and keeping of animals, EWES 1994), reports a value of 3 W/m2/ Length of day light should be appropriately:

  • To 5 proc. uncertainties: 12 hours
  • From 5 to 25 proc. uncertainties: 13 hours
  • From 25 to 35 proc. uncertainties: 14 hours
  • From 35 to 50 proc. laying: 15 hours
  • Above 50 proc. laying: 16 hours

The best solution is to use led lighting because of lower consumptionEnergy, although and traditional light bulbs are good to perform. If you are just planning to build a curtain, you may also apply in it more windows, which will provide more exposure of curtaintodaylight.Whileitmustberememberedtowindowsinthecurtainsystematicallywash,becausedirtorpollutionfromevenfeedwillaffectthepermeabilityoflight.Whileandthissolutiondoesnotreleaseusfromlightingwithartificiallamps,ifyouwanttomaintainthelightingcuratsatisfactorylevel. 





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