- In February we start with a cycle of regional conferences for farmers: Direction Innovation 2025
- In th year conferences will be held:
- 4 February 2025 Lublin (woj. Lublin);
- 11 February 2025 Lidzbark Warmiński (woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskie);
- 13 February 2025 Kistowo (woj. Pomorskie);
- 18 February 2025 Boszkowo (woj. Wielkopolskie province);
- 20 February 2025 Wroclaw (voiv. Dolnośląskie province).
- The condition for participation is before registration, which is free for farmers.
- One of the speakers at the events will be dr. hab. Jaroslaw Potarzycki prof. UPP from University of Nature in Poznan.
- Scientist will answer how to plan the fertilization strategy of ozimin in spring 2025.
Success in plant production depends on very many factors, but one of the most important is asot. Always the point of exit must be to recognize the needs of the plant, and this requires the establishment of a specific plot. And there appears the first problem.
– It must be ambitious, but the expected plot should be real that is possible to obtain in a given position. There is no sense to generate costs, when the effects are bearing with too much risk – advises prof. Jaroslaw Potarzycki of UP in Poznan.
In circumstances of dynamic market fertilizers
and changing economic realities there is no universal prescription for dose of component, a decision on the use can not be conducted only
to purchase a nitrogen at a good price.
Read more
Direction Innovation 2025: How to manage nitrogen in context of dynamic market and variable weather?
In addition to calculation of nutritional needs based on the assumption of a real plot it is necessary to diagnose soil and current assessmentplantation/plantation. This with cultures is related to the
choice of chemical
formulation fertilizer. Plants need periodic studies, which in
the case is better understood and possible to implement. It is worth remembering, that the economic effects of applying nitrogen will depend on the association of other components.
Azot stands a large share in costs of crop
The dynamics of market cars of nitrogen, although less in the last months, still constitutes a major challenge when making decisions on fertilization. This is why so important is to make appropriate diagnosis.
– It is important to determine the mineral nitrogen content in soil – for ozimin now, – in reference to plants in the next weeks. It may be that the results will allow to reduce the planned dose of nitrogen – says prof. Potarzycki.
This however
is not all.
– Spring application of nitrogen in winter beans and grass requires lustration of the
field and on this basis the optimal strategy of action, in this also concerning the type of
vehicle. There are different scenarios, depending on whether we depend on a quick asset or on the contrary – adds expert.
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Direction Innovation 2025. Ecoschemat this is not only points and subsidies
How monitor the state of plantation?
As Prof. Potarzycki points out, controlling the structure of
plant requires recognizing the state of plant supply in the period preceding phases of cardinal. In the case of the plant there
are a number of non-invasive tools, which are increasingly available and are becoming a valuable source of information on the state of the
plant. Such periodic studies of plants translate into increased efficiency of plant (calculated for theentire growing season ) and allow to determine the decision on the nal application of note.
Read more
Direction Innovation 2025: How to plan protection ozimin? What to attention in 2025 year?
It is worth remembering, that applying a specific dose of the same nitrogen fertilizer can have different planting effects.
– Economics of nitrogen must take into account interaction with other components, athatareverycomplex.I consider,thattherearealsosomepossibilitiestoincreasetherecoveryofnitrogenfromferriesandresultinreducingthesupplyofthiscomponent.We willtalkaboutthisattheConferenceDirectionInnovation2025,towhichI cordiallyinvite-addsattheendprof.Potarzycki.