At the beginning of last year the government increased the rate of tax on turnover (NSO) by two percent from 20% to 22%. But by comparing with 2023 year this did not lead to
a significant increase in NWS>receipts. increase in NWS revenues.
Annika Oya, head of the Tax and Customs Department of the Annika Oya, said that in preliminary data, in 2024 the revenues of the NSO were about 3.9 billion euros. In 2023 the amount was 3.5 billion euros, that is the increase in receipts corresponded to the level increase in the tax. A more accurate report of receipts for 2024 year will be available in early February on the department’s website.
Analyst of the Fiscal Policy Department ofFinanceMargusTuvikenenotedinanalysispublishedonthedepartment’swebsite,thatifexcludingtheeffectoftheincomeoftheLastNovemberoftheyeartheNGO’sreceiptsareslightlyexceededthelevelof2023year.