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Sejm there is a public hearing of a citizen proposed law “Stop chains”.And there was an unexpected topic of an
It began from that in a hearing, Arthur Lencznarowicz of SAFE-ANIMAL Foundation asked, that legislation on chipping dogs and cats has been addressed in the Sejm many times.
The Ministry of Agriculture, as said Lencznarowicz, estimates, that the costs of creating a new base of marked animals are 36 million £, a then 7 million £ per year will have to spend on its management. He stressed, that
Poland does not need a new base, only a common search engine.
Read more Municipalities will pay for chipping and
registration of dogs and cats. And then months will wait for grants
The Report of the draft law on the National Registry of marked dogs and cats. However there are fines for guardians, who do not chip their animal and the same fact, that the obligation will apply to newborn dogs and cats, has caused the voices of social criticism. After all, looking realistically the law would start acting in 15-20 years after its announcement (until not dead all unchipped dogs and cats).
There are these and other aspects of the project law reported on the break portal InfoWet Bartosz Mackiewicz president of the International Database SAFE-ANIMAL. As he stressed SAFE-ANIMAL has existed for 16 years, it has 4 million registered animals, a in Warsaw alone 600 thousand. then from the chapter about the impact of implementing the law it has been learned, that the base SAFE-ANIMALwill lose sense of existence and everything will be built from new.
EU obligation
Called to the table the vote was taken by Deputy Agriculture Jacek Czerniak. He stressed, that Arthur Lencznarowicz had not referred to Citizen project, about which is heard, but he referred primarily to the resort agriculture project about the National Registry of marked Dogs and Cats (KROPiK), which has already been positively reviewed by NIK. Jacek Czerniak noted, that there is an legislative project of the Regulation, which plans the establishment of a base of marked animals. It will be connected with bases of 27 countries EU. He also stressed that it is the Constitutional Court that states the conformity of the project’s provisions.
The deputy minister informed, that mandatory chipping and registration will be for all dogs, and cats optionally. The entire process should be completed in three years after the new legislation comes into use. Nothing has changed in the issueofpayingthecosts-foralltheserviceoftheveterinarianispaidbytheguardianaifhedoesnotperformtheobligation,willreceivea fine.
Referringtothetopicofpubliche assured,thatthegovernmentispreparetoproject-thedeadlineforapprovalbytheCouncilofMinistersis31January.