In December of last year the Cabinet of Ministers approved amendments from the Ministry of Climate and Energy (KEM), which provide for the extension of the program to support the purchase of environmental vehicles for another year. And though demand for pre-owned electric cars is increasing, myths about these cars continue to exist. LSM provides more details.Insufficient walking range, high price and short lifetime of the battery are some of the myths and reasons why people avoid purchasing electric cars. Some of the same myths exist about used electric cars.For example, that they should not be bought, because the batteries are already “dead”, and immediately after purchase will have to change the battery, which will cost half of the
cost of the car. Head of the network of charging stations for electric cars Eleport in Latvia and chief editor of the portal Uzlādēts.lv Karlis Mendziņš notes that the myths are unfounded and are caused because in Latvia there are few owners of
used electric cars who could disprove them. “In practice, it is evident that the batteries last much longer than the vehicles themselves.” “Especially those
who have large batteries,” Mendziņš said. It was not long ago that the market for used electric cars was in an embryonic state, but now they have become very popular, as
their price has reduced and become more affordable. In Latvia there are few companies offering both new, and used electric cars. Member of Management Electrocar.lv Aivars Birulis said that now about 80% of their customers choose pre-owned electric cars, but, in his opinion, the system
of supportFor legal individuals it could always be improved.” “For individuals the government’s support is good enough. If it would remain in the current form, it would be sufficient. But for legal individuals one of the incentives could be to include the VAT in the pre-tax in the
full volume. “I think this would be a really big bonus for companies,” Birulis said. The similar opinion is and the executive director of the group of Moller
Auto in the Baltic countries Izida Gerkene, who notices that businesses are not quickly transitioning to purchase electric cars. From July last year the amount of support increased, and many children
families have received special benefits. Minister of Climate and Energy Kaspars Melnis (Union of Greens and Farmers) is satisfied with this improvement of the program. “The positive observation is that every third request is from a large family, and that the program has found itself. I also think it is important that multiple children families
buy both used, and new electric cars, and can allow themselves to do so. “Because one of the things that needs to change thinking, ” is long-term costs,” the minister said. Although the
electric car may seem expensive at first, it has some economic advantages. KEM KEM data shows that the costs of service maintenance of electric vehicles are lower than than machines with an internal combustion engine. In addition, calculated transportation costs per 100 kilometers prove,
that in the summer when charging at the cheapest public station can save almost twice the compared with a gasoline or diesel vehicleA A
charging home with solar panels installed costs only one euro. But it is important to count that these calculations are for summer
conditions. In winter, as Mendziņš reports on Uzlādēts.lv, costs could increase because of the need to heat the saloon. The Chief Editor of the technology blog Kursors.lv Kristaps Skutelis said that he tested new electric cars for the blog, but about one-and-a-half years ago decided to buy a used one. “Having seen what new and used electric cars are like, we can say that in totally there is almost no difference. It seems to me extremely stupid to pay huge money for a car that will
just transport you from point A to point B. The difference between the two is really not that much. As long as
there is a car that rides, doesn’t require more operational costs and doesn’t problem, changing it and spending more money is, in my view, “pointless,” Skoutelis said. When choosing a used electric car, the main thing is to examine the
technicalside thoroughly:checktheconditionofthebatteryanddeterminewherethechargingwill take place.TheClimateandEnergyMinistersaidthattheprogramisbecomingmorepopular,andthere isnoreasontocontinueitaftera>year.Hedoubtsthatthepossiblecompletionoftheprograminthefuturehasanyimpactonthedemandforelectric cars.