
Demand for offices has shot up, rent may increase.

Popyt na biura wystrzelił, czynsze mogą wzrosnąć

Improved economic situation and higher and more stable employee frequency in offices influence demand in the office market. In 2024 year in the capital leased 740 tysq. sq. of office space, of which 244 tysq. sq.m. in the IV quarter – indicate the latest data CBRE. Most in the center, in Służewiec and in business area

in Wola. Tenants gallery complain. They will increase their


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Tenants galleries are complaining. New rises

among rent

The level of unrented offices in the city has reached 10 proc, but in 2025 year it will gradually decrease, especially in the most modern facilities, which will affect the availability of space in offices and may cause raises in rents.

– The last quarter in the office market in the city was extremely intense, both in investment, and interest in rent. We expect that in 2025 year the growth will stay, and the rate of leases will start decreasing, especially in modern office buildings, located in good locations. In addition to improving the economic situation, it is facilitated by increasing and more stable status of employees in offices. As follows from our data, frequency at levels of 41-80 proc. reports over 60 proc. firms in Europe. This is by some points percent more than in 2023 year. In Poland we observe a similar tendency – says Katarzyna Gajewska, director in the research and analysis market at CBRE.

Demand for offices increasing more

Demand for offices in Warsaw in 2024 year was 740 tysq. m, of which one fifth was leased in the close center, that same in Służewiec, a 19 proc. to west of the center in the business area on Wola.

Renegotiations accounted 46 percent of annual demand for new space, new contracts 36 percent, contracts pre-lease 7 proc, expansions – 7 proc. A particularly dynamic was the last quarter of the year, in which their tenants found 244 years. sq.m. of office space in the city. This is the fourth year of the year, in which demand in the fourth quarter exceeds the demand.200 thousand sq.m.

Offices are filling

The level of empty offices at the end of 2024 year was 10.55 percent, which means a slight increase on the scale year. In the close center of posts is 8.8 proc, a in the business area on Wola – 7.1 proc.

New projects are rapidly filling. Complete in the minute year the office The Form has been delivered to use with level rent of ok. 80 proc.

From the Office House, which is to be ready for spring br. is already leased at 70 proc, a level leased The Bridge, whose lease is scheduled for I quarter br, that reaches 50 proc.

Retail may grow

Modern office buildings in good locations are quickly securing their tenants. Rents in the capital are currently attaining 20.0-27.0 EUR/sqm. in the center, a 14.0-18.5 EUR/sq.m. outside the center, butifgrowingdemandstays,thenthecostsofrentingofficesinWarsawmayincrease.

CBREGroupisaadvisorycompanyprovidingservicesinreal estatecommercialandinvestment. It employsover100 thousands.  employees(notincludingaffiliatedandpartnerships)andservicesinvestorsandtenantsofreal estatethroughover530officesinthewholeworld.


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