Approximate level of vegetation, but application of nit possible only in selected counties
We have only the th day of February, a therefore has nearly begun the possibility of earlier application of a after the appropriate threshold thermal. Perfectly however we know, that it is not decided by the farmer, who knows his crops and lustrates plantations, a rigid rule. From the same
beginning there are curios situations related to the criteria of early fertilization.
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Your thickener is better than my. Criteria for earlier fertilization and in basket
First: counties, which already have been marked with yellow color, that have exceeded there temp. 3 C (24-hour average), permit the use of nitrogen have already until the end of February. This is good knowledge, because this is what should look like. The problem however is different. The whether farmers in a given county have obtained permission to apply nitrogen in oziminals in February was determined, because the differences in average indications were very small. Thus in this moment we have cooled, through which in the next days there will be new counties, where N can be applied. Yes therefore the situation looks in the following way: vegetation is at the approximate level in most regions, however only in selected fragments of the country winter may be saturated with nitrogen. Particularly for
the throat this is a huge loss. You can perfectly see this in counties bordering with yourself, where part of the plantation can be fertilized
with nitrogen, the rest not yet. Despite very close level vegetation.
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Plants have moved, regulations not
plants you can
see many fresh growths on roots. Below two photographs from Sunday – on the
first fresh growths of root mass, on the second white
roots appearing already
in beans.
Fresh roots in thicket. Photo. Karol Godacz
The appearance of white roots in beans testifies of the recurrence of vegetation. Phot. Karol Bogacz
The appearance of new roots is a clear signal to that vegetation has been revived. In view of this there should already be supplied with at at least a partial dose of nitrogen. Even if winter returns, this fragmentary supply of plant in N is necessary. The more so, that and that such supply is not immediately effective. It can be assumed with a large dose of probability, that there, where vegetation has already been revived, the administration of nitrogen for example. in the th third decade of February, will already be delayed.
Azot needs time and falls. Now there is time for even a little first dose
especially, that to act asot needs falls. In order to distribute the given fertilizer on 1 cm in medium soil you need substrate at 2l/sqm. A we are talking only about 1 cm in depth of the soil profile. Then the given nitrogen must be dispersed over even over a few cm. This means, that it is valid every fall after application N. It is clear in view that that the earlier the pot is applied, the greater chance that it will have greater effectiveness.
So there is a time in which the thrombus will show the highest demand for a lot there is still yet.ahead of us. Nevertheless the provision of N early is there key. If the threshold will revive intensive vegetation, this must have already available this component, a therefore the given N should earlier be moved
into the root system. Delays in this area have far following consequences. Late first dose is related
to the acceleration of the beginning of flowering, and we observe the excessive growth of the head.