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At the Ministry of agriculture held the first of a cycle consultation meeting on the definition of active farmers. Today’s participated representatives of the unions, the next, planned for next week will participate representatives of ODRs, Institutes, ARiMR (13 January), and then
representatives of protesting farmers (15 January).
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Consultations are underway on the definition of the agriculture. definition of active farmer
Consultations, from the parties of farmers’ unions have been invited:
- Federation Branch Unions of Agricultural Producers,
- Federation of Food RP,
- Federation Unions of Wheels and Organizations of Agricultural RP,
- Committee Agriculture and Agricultural Marketing of the National Economic Chamber,
- National Council Ib Agricultural,
- National Association Groups of Agricultural Producers – Isb Business,
- National Association Revolutionary Agricultural Cooperatives Producers,
- National Union of Farmers, Wheels and Organizations of Farmers,
- Independent Self-Governing Union of Professional Farmers
- Individual “Solidarity”,
- General Agreement of Professional Farmers and Farmer Organizations,
- Union Professional Center National Young Farmers,
- Union Professional Agriculture “Self-Defense”,
- Union Professional Agriculture and Rural “REGIONS”,
- Union Professional Agriculture Poland Free and Solidarity,
- Union Professional Farmers “Fatherland”,
- Union Professional Farmers Poland “SOLIDARNI”,
- Union
Professional Rural and Agriculture “Solidarity Rural”
- Union Youth Rural
- General Union Professional Farmers Individual Polish Union Agricultural
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What definition is the ministry proposing?
Instead of the current solutions the ministry proposes establishing a catalog of farmers, whose activities allow automatic recognition of their as farmers active professionally, for example. farmers:
- having animals registered in IRZ (approx. 361 thousands). To resolve remains, what level of management to take on 1 ha?
- receiving payments related to production to plant (approx. 338 tys.), receiving payments from title of selected ecoschemes: Carbon agriculture and management of nutrients, Integrated Production plants, Biological protection crops (approx. 392 tys.) and Payments Ecological (approx. 21 tys.). It is estimated that there are such beneficiaries about 570 tys.
- for other farmers (i.e. about 660 tys.) verification of agricultural activity would be based on minimum costs incurred for agricultural activity or revenue from agricultural activity.
In order to implement this approach it is proposed to consider the following criteria:
- costs incurred for agricultural activities – for this purpose should be established:
a) catalogue of recognized costs, nations: fertilizers, measures for protection of plants, material seeding and propagation, rent rents, costs of services, labor leased, insurance, costs specialized (defoliants, regulators growth etc.);
b) period, in which costs should be incurred, in order to be recognized, e.g. the year before submission of application;
c) minimum cost level, e.g.. per ha UR, so that it avoids creating fictitious situations (minimum factor for very large areas).
To resolve that, how to determine minimum cost?
– above the rate PWD 112.93 EUR/ha (483 £/ha)? – verify the criteria for production;
– should be higher than for production? from the cost of mowing, that is, about. 200-300 – verify the criterion of maintaining land in a condition suitable for grazing or cultivation;
– should be uniform in the whole country?
– according to minimum level costs, for example, on based FADN?: in plant agriculture – 137 £/ha, in animal agriculture – 457 £/LU
- revenues from agricultural activities – for this purpose should establish:
a) catalog recognized revenues, e.g.: sales of agricultural food (crop and animal production);
b) period, in which revenues should be obtained, in order to be recognized, e.g., year . the year before submission of application;
c) minimum level of income, e.g.. per ha UR, so as to avoid creating fictitious situations (minimum fact for very large areal).
To resolve the question, what should be the minimum level?
- other situations. What other prospects for documentation of
agricultural activities? E.g. contracted contracts, contracts supply itp.
With regard to the EU obligations in the WTO definition of active farmers
cannot result in narrowing support only to farmers who produce. Sufficient is maintaining agricultural land in good culture, which should beconsidered,whendesigninga newdefinition.