- Basic question – what is deepening?
- The structure of deep and types of tooth
- deep in different cultivation systems
Practically from the moment of beginning to work in the field of animals we have to to the layer of soil, which is undergoing excessive compaction. This problem has increased since the moment of using the tractor as “a train horse”. Today we already know, how very important and harmful there is soiling by the wheels of the tractor.
By choosing the appropriate size and pressure in tires we can minimize this process. However, even using caterpillars instead of traditional wheels, we are not able to eliminate it fully. This is when with help comes to us deeper. It is a tool, which allows us to loosen thickened layers, and also rebuild the porous structure providing the proper flow of air and water in the soil. We can say, that this is an agromelioration procedure relying on loosening the soil without turning it , with maintaining the layer structure of the soil profile, to a depth greater than the compacted layer, sometimes commonly called ploughing.
From ration that that deepening is an energetic procedure, we have to pay particular attention to its correct performance. First we must check, whether it is necessary. The simplest way is to attempt to hammer a blunt sharpened rod in soil. If we encounter a layer, through which we cannot pierce, we can estimate that the thickened layer is and determine at
which depth it is. It is the simplest method, but also at least
precise. Definitely better is the construction of a soil borer, that is the excavation of an appropriately
deep hole, depending on the type of soil even of a depth of 1.4 meters.
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Soil true to you will
The best time to do soil is complete vegetation of plants, which we are cultivating. It allows us, not only to determine the presence of a layer of compaction, but also to observe.in how the develops the root system of our plants and how deep it goes. Additionally when doing
such excavation we are able to determine accurately the depth of the compaction and its
thickness. This will enable us to precisely determine the depth of the working tooth
deeper, which should be about 10-15 cm greater than the density layer. Unfortunately, very often, the depth of work is limited by depth of drain location on field.
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How frequently geboszowac? When? Best after harvest
When best geboszowac?
The best period to do the treatment
is the period just after the harvest, when the ground is not too
wet. This will enable the intended effect of cracking, and not clogging
the soil, when it is too wet. The best solution is simultaneously seeding the crops and leaving the field over winter. Permitting this roots of the crop to outgrow the structure of the soil, fixing its structure and will provide better thawing in winter and facilitate naturally loosening the remaining fragments of compaction.
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deepening -. break plow plough
The types of teeth in deep and how they are protected
Dredging can be divided first into the type of tooth and how the is mounted on the machine. We have deep with the tooth straight, the tooth curved to the front and the tooth curved angled (Michel). The straight tooth and tooth curved to the front work at as wide as the chisel at the end of the tooth. With that, the tooth curved to the front extracts more ground from the deeper layer than the tooth straight. Not always this effect is desirable. Additionally.leaves the field less aligned than the tine straight.
In contrast, the advantage of the tine curved to the front is its improved deepening in difficult conditions. In a completely different way it spools the tooth with the tongue curved to the side. In the case of such solution, the crevice is narrow, and the soil is carried with the curved bottom part of the tine. Gives us this improved effect so called “wave” and increases the strengthening of the soil. Plus of such solution is less extraction of stones on the surface of the field. On the other hand the minus is generating significantly more resistance and lateral forces coming from the soil to the tooth. That’s why in this type of deep there is an opposite tooth from the right and left sides of the machine. Teeth deeper, from the operation at large depths, are exposed to large strains related to stones, therefore they are protected most often by cut or break fuses.
For soils with large quantities of stones recommended are automatic, spring or hydraulic safety devices. This allows the to return the to the proper position after passing an obstacle and does not require the exit of the operator from the tractor for replacement of the fuse.
Not only for deep plowing
More often deep soil is used not only what for deep plowing soil, but more as a treatment replacing the plough. Then very often behind the deep soil there are different type tools. They are of different type shafts (string, ring, mulching), two rows of tallets leveling, or tooth spring scrapers. Thanks to this prevent clumping and evaporation of water from deeper layers. In this also the case we perform the treatment only to the depth of the originated layer. This will allow us to loosen the soil without mixing its layers. In the last time on the popularityaresuchsocalledploughs.Thetoolsallowtoloosensoilup to50cm.Thetoothhasnarrowpadsthat loosendeeperlayersofsoil,aformixingthesoilatsmallerdepthresponsibleforadditionalknivessides.This procedureallowsinonepassto loosenthethickenedlayerandmixthesoilintheupperlayer.Behindtheteethinsuchmachinemountedismost oftena doubleshaftspike.
Thedeeplooseningisnot.necessaryonlyandonlyinthecrop.Veryoftenitisontheexecutionnotonthewholesurfaceofthefield,aonlyinnewplaces,suchaspathsoftechnology,sidewaysorplacesafterwaterfalls.Dredgingcanalsobeabasicprocedureforlooseningsoilinborealcultivation,whichhoweverdoesnotneedtobeperformedaftereachplant,becausetheeffectof looseningthedeeperlayerscanremainformore than20months.