This is not an isolated phenomenon, by the way; in the event of large movements in the market, live-weight porker buying plants usually react with a slight delay. This is also the case now: the average price of E-grade porkers is currently at the level of a week ago, while the live weight has gently declined.
Porker prices at the beginning of November
According to our poll today, for E-grade porkers, domestic buyers are offering breeders rates ranging from PLN 7.50 to PLN 8.50 net per kilogram. The average buying price is PLN 7.97 net per kilogram, which is exactly the same as a week ago.
Pigs are currently priced between PLN 5.80 and PLN 6.60 net per kilogram. The average purchase price is PLN 6.12 net per kilogram, which is 10 cents less than a week ago.
It is worth adding that in both cases we are talking about the lowest rates in nearly two years. The last time we saw such lower prices was in February/March 2024.
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Earthquake in porker buybacks. It hasn’t been this cheap in nearly three years .