The Harju County County Court on Monday decided on the dispute between Prisma and L95 OÜ, stating that Prisma is not obliged to re-open a supermarket in Linnamäe
Keskus. Trading Center Linnamäe Keskus Photo: Tiit Mõtus
The Harju County Court on Monday decided on the dispute between Prisma and L95 L95 OÜ, ruling that Prisma is not obliged to re-open a supermarket
in Linnamäe Keskus.
“We are pleased with the decision of the court, as keeping a supermarket in Linnamäe Keskus would be extremely impractical and would lead only to huge volumes of food waste. We are ready to pay the rental payment until the termination of the contract and hope that we will now be able to put this dispute in thepast,” the manager Prisma Eesti Teemu Kilpia.
The Prisma store in Linnamäe Keskus was closed in January 2024 year. Before this company tried to reach a compromise with the owner of the Center L95 OÜ, but the negotiations failed. As a result, L95 OÜ L95 OÜ sued Prisma in the court, demanding the reopening of the supermarket in Linnamäe Keskus. In the court trial L95 OÜ OÜ repeatedly attempted to pressure Prisma by filing frivolous and unsuccessful bankruptcy petitions.
Prisma Peremarket is part of S-Grup – the largest trading network in Finland and one of the biggest companies in the country with morethan400000employees.PrismacurrentlyhaseighthypermarketsandfivesupermarketsinEstonia. Thenextplansare openinghypermarketsinViljandiandKuressaare.