In order to ensure that ateways are not thrown over crowded and inadequate parking spaces scenarios,The Building Technical Regulation (STR) shall determine the size of the car parking space at any newly built or refurbished houses. It is true that not always these houses are built in are on plots which are capable of meeting STR requirements. This was also the case for the house built in Kėdainiai, on Smilga street, on the territory of the house where the location of the regulated size of the automobile surrounding is just not sufficient. And it has become revealed that the governors have considered the possibility of disregarding the STR directives and alleged as so long ago in half year,The municipal councils members were only know about this on a few days by committee meetings.
The city was divided into 4 zones
According to the Architecture department of the Municipality , the city was divided into 4 zones
e. e. Manager Aurelija Piepalienė, Number, that the municipal council decision may reduce the regulated car parking spaces with the same conditions .
“STR is specified, that the number of car spaces may be reduced by dividing the urban territories into areas and establishing the factors for the number of car spaces in them: 1 zone – 0,25; 2 zone – 0,5; 3 zone – 0,75; 4 zone – 1.
We propose to divide the city into four zones as follows: 1 – the City area, 2 – the City Centre area, which coincides with the City Visual Protection Zone, 3 – Priority Infrastructure Development Area and 4 – All Leaving Area of the Urban Area “, that the adoption of the new order will give the opportunity to reduce the minimum regulated number of car parking spaces in the and thereby encouraging urban expansion within the city.
Drafting status , Under the legislation the number of mandatory parking spaces may be reduced for each mandatory parking space not installed by a reduction./BNS Erik Ovcharenko From.
Drafting the statute , Under the legislation the number of mandatory parking spaces may be reduced for each mandatory parking space not installed by compensation. Their size shall depend on which zone the construction is taking place.
In 1 zone,otherwise in the city, one unprovided car parking space will cost 5 thousand euros to a developer, in 2 zone. 1 thousand euros, 3 zone  – 1 thousand euros.In Zone 4 , it appears that reduction of the number of parking places with compensation will not be possible and the rate for zone 4 is not even indicated.
It is foreseen that the funds collected will go into the municipality budget and will be used for community use of car parking spaces and for the installation of other infrastructure of the city.
In order to ensure that the heat generations are not overwhelmed by overcrowded and inadequate parking spaces scenarios,The Building Technical Regulation shall determine the size of the car parking space at any new buildings or refurbishings of the house.
Aut. post.
Compensation size will need to be replaced separately
Without any doubt, anyone who has encountered any construction, know that this world has so much in the world as with the deer. And it has been argued that the compensation sizes (at least in the Old City zone ) are higher than it would not cost to provide a single parking space, everything can change very quickly and for staters it may be financially more advantageous to pay the compensation to the municipality and not to provide the required sized parking plazas .
All therefore the proposal to index the compensation sizes did not receive approval, as the practices of other cities were indicated, when the compensation rates are prepared to be raised they are rising quite differently in digits.
“Few municipalities have indexation of compensation , more we see the example of Kaunas , where the compensation tariff has been set before 3 years ago to a found in the compensation tariff of 6 thousand. of now the number of numbers has been updated and the amount of 26 thousand euros has been established ,” said the Director of the municipality’s administration Gintautas Muznikas added that in generalIt is unlikely that this question will become any important to Kėdainiai in the next year.According to he said, it is estimated that in the next two years the could result in one to three applicants wanting to change the premises in for compensation.
- href=”https://rinkosaikste.en/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_..jpg”>
loading=”lazy” width=”1024″ height=”823″ src=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_.-1024×823.jpg” alt=”” data-id=”88510″ data-full-url=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_..jpg” data-link=”https://rinkosaikste.en/new-bicycle-track-may-require-a-million/muznik-asm-arch-nuotr/” class=”wp-image-88510″ srcset=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_.-1024×823.jpg 1024w, https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_.-300×241.jpg 300w, https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_.-768×617.jpg 768w, https://rinkosaikste.en/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznik-asm.arch_.photo_.-373×300.jpg 373w, https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Muznikas-asm.arch_.nuotr_..jpg 1287w” sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px” />Director of the Municipality’s administration Gintautas Muznikas.
loading=”lazy” width=”768″ height=”1024″ src=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Aukstikalnis-1-768×1024.jpg” alt=”” data-id=”126120″ data-full-url=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Aukstikalnis-1.jpg” data-link=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/kandidatai-i-rajono-taryba-ir-turtuoliai-ir-beturciai-ir-net-seimomis/aukstikalnis-1-3/” class=”wp-image-126120″ srcset=”https://rinkosaikste.en/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Aukstikalnis-1-768×1023.jpg 768w, https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Aukstikalnis-1-225×300.jpg 225w, https://rinkosaikste.en/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Aukstikalnis-1.jpg 950w” sizes=”(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px” Democrat Paul Aukstikalnis.
“Market Walk” Archive from the archive.
The question offered to ask,
True, the Education and Culture committee, that the question, now discussed in the Verslo Council previously and, appeared in the Skland Council in the semester now was presented to the Council members with the frame of the days for decision.
“I remain of the opinion that the question is not sufficiently discussed. There is no doubt that there are situations when business needs to help and to provide the opportunity to provide fewer parking spaces that are regulated by STR.
But I have questions regarding the size of the compensation,especially – why and by which criteria is such a decreasing progression, when, where there will be enough opportunities to provide standing places , further from the city centre, where more free space is available, the conditions for not providing standing places are eased.
And now the owners have said, because the size of the compensation sets (at least in the old city area is higher than it would cost it would not cost to provide a one car parking space, everything can change very quickly and for staters it may be financially more advantageous to pay the compensation to the municipality and not to provide the required sized parking plazas . Regulation is new, it would be good to not hurry with such cases , and to allocate more time to analysis ,”
She was encouraged by Paul Aukstikalnis, a member of the Democratic Fraktion , when he said, that any council decisions and amendments to decisions are in force only after three months , so the decisions made by cubes during the time of stakeholders.
“It is already better to make decisions that are well considered. This draft decision shall come into force from March 1 day , but any correction will be required by three month opening.
What will happen, if the compensation figures change, if the decrease, how the people will react, when they have paid some amount of cash which will decrease after a month , or willsomeonerefundthecashinthebackwarddate?
5thousandeurospercarparkingspace.Maybefor somethat’sa lot,for somea little,butthe costofallcarparkingspacesislikelytocomehigh.
ConservatorKęstasSlama. News sourceclass=”blocks-gallery-item”> loading=”lazy”width=”473″height=”708″src=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Slamiene.jpeg”alt=””data-id=”126152″data-full-url=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Slamiene.jpeg”data-link=”https://rinkosaikste.en/candidates-i-rajono-tariff-and-turtles-and-net-selections/slamiene/”class=”wp-image-126152″srcset=”https://rinkosaikste.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Slamiene.jpeg473w,https://rinkosaikste.en/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Slamiene-200×300.jpeg200w”sizes=”(max-width:473px)100vw,473px”Conservator
ButKęstasŠlama, who had summarised the results of thevote, drew theattention of the,whensomethingisdecidedbyeachhouseholder,butthepurposeofthetariffisnottototheinterestsofthebusiness.