In advertising announcements often there are three-dimensional images of new buildings, where green oases between houses draw a vivid picture of the future. In actuality the first year the homes are surrounded by black layers of soil and barely rooted trees. In the worst case the playground with the roller in reality will appear to be only a swing and a sandbox. Three-dimensional images are mainly illustrative and don’t render to 100% the real position of the does. They are more reflect the general feeling and transmit emotions. The Manager of Marketing Kaamos Group Maris Pukk writes about the nuances, that should be considered
when evaluating 3D images in the advertisements of the sale of real estate, so that you won’t be disappointed. The 3D visualizer takes into account the landscape plan of the developer, on which the large trees and greens are marked, but there is some space for creative approach, especially with the image of cloombes or growing popular public gardens. So, high greening of prepared development could look on a photo
less posh, than it will be in five years, or on the contrary, trees will be imaged higher and stronger, than younger plantings in the first year. “Therefore
“When purchasing a home it is important to familiarize with the real greening around and observe, how the times of the year affect the environment in the construction process, ” Pukk recommends. One of the most complex elements to represent in three-dimensional images is light. In the latest time a trend
where the bright summer sun has replaced the more muted evening light.Morning, day and evening images are not taken from different views to understand how the movement of light affects the building in the day. Maris Pukk explained that in
most cases when representing the development for the 3D image the most lightest apartment is selected, and the sun is placed at the angle that gives the best illumination. So in actuality the specific apartment and the position of the sun may not have a direct relationship. “This is also a reason to familiarize yourself with
the location of the house or houses from the position of the sides of light and assess how the light relates to this or that or other apartment. Consider that apartments on the lower floor are often darker than those on the upper floors, because trees and neighboring houses block the light, ” Kaamos’ Marketing Manager Kaamos emphasized. According to Maris Pukk, many new buildings are built in an
established environment, and those wishing to visit the area and see how the thing is doing in the place. “Development, as a rule, changes the previous picture, but you can never give a complete picture of what the street or district will look after a few years. So it is required to ask the developer for information about the future development
plans of the district and to familiarize yourself with its detailed plans.” Why is this important? The three-dimensional images sometimes do not reflect the existing sub-buildings, let alone the future buildings. The reason is simple. Creating a 3D model of a building costs money, while the developer sometimes doesn’t imagine what the planned buildings will be exactly. That is why most often
they are just not imagined,or the pictures are marked by faceless “gray “rectangles”, i.e. the plain shapes of buildings. The main purpose of 3D visualization is to transmit the general impressions and to emphasize the most important details of the building: facture, material and color. “As a rule, what is happening in the back plan or around the houses, is secondary in images . “For example, cars and people are selected for photographs arbitrarily – so that they appropriate
to the determined place or combine with the environment, ” Pukk noted. The same same principle applies to internal species. It’s important what is going on inside the room. The views from the windows are depicted with minimal detail,
the mainly seen only the sky and greens. For the same same reason they prefer to visualize apartments on the upper floors. What will be the view from the conditional apartment, it will be clear only when the house and walls will already be constructed. It is always to be considered that the high greening and development of the district may change over time. It is important to understand that a 3D image gives a presentation
of the room from one determined angle, so it may may make a impressive impression of the size and wholeness of the room. This is especially noticeable in smaller rooms – such as bath rooms and bedrooms. “Therefore you should not be confused by the spatial impressions, because the purpose of visualization is primarily to display the combination of tiles, floors and the materials
used. Most often 1-2 apartments are selected for images of the apartments of which, in the first, the typical views from the most suitable views. Often these are apartments with the family.the most open planning, with the visualization of which can deliver the most of all information. But in the actually there may be only two or three such apartments, Pukk emphasized. “Very often often the displayed apartments look like
out of some fashionable design magazine, for the simple reason that all the setting was collected by architects interiors. “Important nuances that are often not shown in 3D views, are different electrical outlets, ventilation equipment and curtains. This information must be obtained from the vendor and from the original plans and drawings, that’s why you shouldn’t rely on 3D images,” Kaamos’ Marketing Manager Kaamos recommends. Three-dimensional visualization – is just a picture, although light and shadows can create texture that doesn’t really appear. Similarly, the colors play dependent on lighting. Surfaces may appear more yellow in
thesunormoreblueinthedark.Sowiththematerialsoftheinteriorfinishingit is bettertofamilyofnew construction,orintheroomofthesamplesofthebuilder,becauseit is bettertoseeeverythingwithyoureyes.Andnowaboutthemostimportant thing.Don’tforgetthatall3D imagesareillustrative.”Alwaysaskthedeveloperfortheplansanddrawingsofthereal estateandaskmanyquestions,for example:WillWillthisgrove remain?Whatwillbebuiltnext door? Willthisbuildingremain?”,-Pukk advises.Thedeveloperreferredtotheillustrativecharacterofthe3D viewsforthereasonthattheviewwasexecutedataspecificmomentonabasedbasespecificsourcematerialsanddoes notrepresentthefullfinalreality.Andintheconstructionprocessmaychange,whichwilllaterbedifficulttoreflectinthepicture.