
Czy azot w jednej dawce ma sens?

Czy azot w jednej dawce ma sens?
  • Does giving a dose of nitrogen in one dose in thickness make sense?
  • When to give up the sharing dose of nitrogen?

Is two doses the standard?

Basically nitrogen we divide in two, sometimes even in three doses. Not the standard is an application consisting of two doses, and a third, especially in the context of cereals, is already a quality dose. There is no rigid division, when to give how much nitrogen. It is often proposed that in the first dose apply 50 – 60 proc. dose of nitrogen, and the second is to supplement. Not the same portion N needs to adjust to agrometeorological conditions and the form of dosed fertilizer. However times in the first entry with the nitrogen may administer a smaller quantity of pure component (e.g. 30 proc. total dose), if the application is relatively early – it can be approached to fertilization for example, now in regions, where the nitrogen can be administered. from one side we will supply already plants, which have revegetated and provide a safety buffer “for after.” from the other we will provide a certain dose of safety in this context, that we have only beginning of February, and therefore we still have to account for that winter will return. And we approach this issue differently

if we feed only the nitrate and ammonium form, a other way, when in fertilization technology weave also the amide

nitrogen form. A whether application in one dose makes sense?

Delaying the

first dose of nitrogen is a loss in plant. Regulations recognize increasingly

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Delaying the-first dose of-nitrogen that’s losses in the-plant. Regulations recognize the other

Azot in one dose – when should decide on that solution?

In some cases like most – application of nitrogen only in one dose not only has its plus, but sometimes it is even recommended. We have encountered such situations for example. before the year. Then in February we already had the aura of spring. Yes truly the only element, that stopped most farmers from applying N, was the field conditions – that was.wet, which effectively prevented entry on planting. Thus the plants have revived intensive development in some regions (especially in the south west) by about a month. In this context the application of N in the border at the end of February or in early

March was already delayed. Thus let’s notice that at the end of March on some standings the thistle has started flowering. This is

important in reference to nutrition – this component should be delivered in whole at the latest on 4 weeks before the

start of flowering, so that by by flowering it has been taken by plants.

Program nitrate a fertilization. See, how it has been in the  past years and check required documents

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Program nitrate a fertilizer. See, how it has been in the past years and check the required documents

So when entering in the branch with nitrogen before a year for nitrogen. at the beginning of March you might have asked yourself the question: do I still have time to distribute a total dose of nitrogen in two doses? There is a lot dependent on the region, similarly it will probably be this year. with certainty in Southern Wielkopolska, in Lower Silesia or Opolszczyzna, where – as it later turned out – tempo vegetation had the highest dynamics in the country, the time to distribute N in two portions was not . In view of this relatively often we have to face the situation, when the dose N was based on on one dose, that is. the whole of the planned nitrogen was applied without splitting it . It turned out that plantations fed nitrogen quite late, but in one dose, had performed better than those, where they were not only given with delay, but they were divided in two doses. 

Urea from the fast acting form

The other from the bottle is the direct dose followed by the nitrate and ammonium form, and then amide. If we decide to solve such solution, then after application of faster acting forms of nitrogen we administer urea (nitrogen in form ammonium). ThisEverything can happen in one time, even that same day. That is not that it is already one dose of nitrogen, a following immediately after separate applications. Not that it is worth

remembering that to incorporate urea in fertilization technology, especially winter thistle, apply it as quickly as possible.

Application of nitrogen in one

dose will therefore be a good solution in situations, when the ingredient will be administered late, already in the trend of

intensivevegetation,andwiththisweatherconditionswillfavorhighdynamicsofdevelopmentplantation.ThensplittingNintwoportionsmaynotbethebestsolution,becauseusuallythereisalreadytimeforthis.Givinga highdoseofnitrogen,andthewholeinonedose,isalsorecommendedatthoseplants,whereafterwintertherearesomesuggestions. 


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