Dialogue with farmers – is the keyword of the Polish Presidency in the EU Council. In this also spirit there was a meeting on Thursday of Minister of Agriculture Cesław Siekierski with representatives of COPA-COGECA and KRIR.
– The current problems with the EU – Mercosur agreement result from the negotiation of that agreement, which was conducted by the European Commission with the Mercosur countries – stated at the conference Minister Siekierski. – Member countries were not informed on the current, on what direction the changes are, not informed farmers, by which farmers do not want to accept such conditions, because they know, that they may lose competitiveness – he added.
The word was not dialogue. That’s why – – as indicated at the press conference – Poland wants to share in the current presidency with
its thoughts among others.among others in the policy area of agriculture with representatives of farmers from other countries
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Polish Presidency in the EU Council to pustoslowie?
Minister has reminded of what is the schedule of meetings with farmers in January:
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…. a present at the conference Viktor Szmulewicz, president of KRIR called Chesapeake Siekierski the dialogue.
Massimiliano Giansanti, head of COPA reflected at the conference attention to the deteriorating financial situation of farmers, related to different external conditions (changes climate, war in Ukraine). Also onHe drew attention to the necessity of conducting in this situation dialogue, but rather with institutions and farmers. He also stressed the necessity of turning more attention in the Polish presidency to improve the competitiveness of products of European agriculture against imported goods. He added,
that there also must be taken care of that the future WPR provides convenient
income to farmers and guarantees their remaining in the industry. He also thanked the
Minister Siekierski for his “tough stance” on many farmer issues.
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Massimiliano Giansanti new head COPA
Also Lennart Nilsson, head COGECA has admitted, that the times are unstable, and there are many challenges for European farmers, whether related to climate change, or the unstable agricultural market.
– In my judgment, the response to many of these challenges may be a cooperative of farmers – stated Nilsson noting this, how a big opportunity for the development of farmers in Central and Eastern Europe could be functioning in this form.
He added, that he sees already the effects of farmer protests, if it comes to changing EU regulations on farming in even frequent mercial discussions, but he pointed to the necessity of implementing those arrangements, in the form of other problems, or decisions leading to increased competitiveness of EU economies.
Elli Tsiforou, secretary of COPA-COGECA assured Minister Siekierski, that this organization will support him in the work in the current presidency of the EU Council, at the same time encouraged to get acquainted with the COPA-COGECA developed document which is the Vision of the future agriculture in
the EU.
– It emphasizes the economic role of agriculture, which has been forgotten in last years, then
farmers deserve a fair income, their production must be profitable, they must also be innovative and weareveryhappy,thatthePolishpresidencytakesattentioninitsprogramtotheseaspects- statedTsiforou.